English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to set number of relations between nodes?
  • 时间:2024-02-02 15:50:04
  •  标签:
  • neo4j
  • cypher

I have created a transport route of station nodes connected by a :CONNECTION type session, if it is a transfer, I have a :EXCHANGE session type. I m looking for a route using a query

MATCH path = (from:Station {id: 61})-[:IN]->(sec_from:Section),
              (to:Station {id: 131})<-[:OUT]-(sec_to:Section),
RETURN route;

If I want to search for direct connections only, I use: route=(sec_from)-[:CONNECTION*]->(sec_to) , it works. If I want to limit the number of connections to 5-10, I use: route=(sec_from)-[:CONNECTION*5..10]->(sec_to) also works. But if I want to have a connection of type :CONNECTION 1-100 and at the same time type :EXCHANGE 0-3, the query doesn t work:

MATCH path = (from:Station {id: 61})-[:IN]->(sec_from:Section),
              (to:Station {id: 131})<-[:OUT]-(sec_to:Section),
RETURN route;


增 编


根据你在问题中所写的内容,直截了当的办法是在<代码>中增加对每一关系类型数目的限制。 WHERE 条款:

MATCH path = (from:Station {id: 61})-[:IN]->(sec_from:Section), 
      (to:Station {id: 131})<-[:OUT]-(sec_to:Section), 
      route = (sec_from)-[r:CONNECTION|EXCHANGE*1..103]->(sec_to) 
WHERE 1 <= size([rel IN r WHERE rel:CONNECTION]) <= 100 
      AND size([rel IN r WHERE rel:EXCHANGE]) <= 3
RETURN route;

根据您的数据,这种过滤器可能效率不高,因为它可能会在多个途径中铺设;在<代码>上丢弃之前,有三条类型的<代码>EXCHANGE。 WHERE 条款阶段。



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