English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to generate all possible unique combinations of an array of objects, based on different properties

I have an array of objects and want to create all possible unique combinations based on two keys.

实例 -

  { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat1 },
  { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat2 },
  { slot:  body , spell:  strength.i , item:  body str1  },
  { slot:  body , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  body dex1  },
  { slot:  legs , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  legs dex1  },
  { slot:  legs , spell:  combat.i , item:  legs combat1  },
  { slot:  legs , spell:  strength.i , item:  legs str1  },
  { slot:  head , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  head dex1  },
  { slot:  head , spell:  combat.i , item:  head combat1  },
  { slot:  head , spell:  strength.i , item:  head str1  },


    { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat1  },
    { slot:  legs , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  legs dex1  },
    { slot:  head , spell:  strength.i , item:  head str1  },
    { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat2  },
    { slot:  legs , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  legs dex1  },
    { slot:  head , spell:  strength.i , item:  head str1  },
    { slot:  body , spell:  strength.i , item:  body str  },
    { slot:  legs , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  legs dex1  },
    { slot:  head , spell:  combat.i , item:  head combat1  },



const generateList = (data, slots, effects) => {
  const matches = {};
  slots.forEach(slot => {
    matches[slot] = {};
    effects.forEach(effect => {
      matches[slot][effect] = data.filter(item => item.slot === slot && item.spell === effect);

  return matches


  body: {
     combat.i : [
      { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat1  },
      { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat2  }
     strength.i : [ { slot:  body , spell:  strength.i , item:  body str1  } ],
     dexterity.i : [ { slot:  body , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  body dex1  } ]
  legs: {
     combat.i : [ { slot:  legs , spell:  combat.i , item:  legs combat1  } ],
     strength.i : [ { slot:  legs , spell:  strength.i , item:  legs str1  } ],
     dexterity.i : [ { slot:  legs , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  legs dex1  } ]
  head: {
     combat.i : [ { slot:  head , spell:  combat.i , item:  head combat1  } ],
     strength.i : [ { slot:  head , spell:  strength.i , item:  head str1  } ],
     dexterity.i : [ { slot:  head , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  head dex1  } ]

现在,我很想知道,如何产生所有变化,以创造预期产出,特别是认识到这样做需要扩大规模,使其达到更大的规模。 我知道答案是再入侵,但对于我的生活来说,我sil的头脑可以 figure灭。 感谢任何帮助!

const items = [
    { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat1  },
    { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat2  },
    // Other items...

// Organize the data
let organized = {};
items.forEach(item => {
    if (!organized[item.slot]) {
        organized[item.slot] = {};
    if (!organized[item.slot][item.spell]) {
        organized[item.slot][item.spell] = [];

// Generate combinations
function cartesian(...args) {
    var r = [], max = args.length-1;
    function helper(arr, i) {
        for (var j=0, l=args[i].length; j<l; j++) {
            var a = arr.slice(0); // clone arr
            if (i==max)
                helper(a, i+1);
    helper([], 0);
    return r;

let slotCombinations = Object.values(organized).map(spell => Object.values(spell).flat());
let allCombinations = cartesian(...slotCombinations);

// Example to print the first 5 combinations for brevity
allCombinations.slice(0, 5).forEach(combo => console.log(combo));


function generateAllUniqueCombinations(items) {
  // Group items by their slot and then by spell within each slot to facilitate combination generation.
  const groupedBySlotAndSpell = items.reduce((acc, item) => {
    if (!acc[item.slot]) acc[item.slot] = {};
    if (!acc[item.slot][item.spell]) acc[item.slot][item.spell] = [];
    return acc;
  }, {});

  // Generate all combinations of spells for each slot.
  function findAllSpellCombinations(slots) {
    if (slots.length === 0) return [[]];

    const firstSlotSpells = Object.keys(groupedBySlotAndSpell[slots[0]]);
    const combinationsWithoutFirst = findAllSpellCombinations(slots.slice(1));

    let allCombinations = [];
    firstSlotSpells.forEach((spell) => {
      combinationsWithoutFirst.forEach((combination) => {
        allCombinations.push([{ slot: slots[0], spell }, ...combination]);

    return allCombinations;

  // Convert the slot-spell combinations into item combinations.
  function toItemCombinations(spellCombinations) {
    return spellCombinations.map((combination) =>
        ({ slot, spell }) =>
          groupedBySlotAndSpell[slot][spell].find((item) => true) // Simply select the first matching item

  const slots = Object.keys(groupedBySlotAndSpell);
  const spellCombinations = findAllSpellCombinations(slots);

  return toItemCombinations(spellCombinations);

// Example usage with the provided input array
const items = [
  { slot: "body", spell: "combat.i", item: "body combat1" },
  { slot: "body", spell: "combat.i", item: "body combat2" },
  { slot: "body", spell: "strength.i", item: "body str1" },
  { slot: "body", spell: "dexterity.i", item: "body dex1" },
  { slot: "legs", spell: "dexterity.i", item: "legs dex1" },
  { slot: "legs", spell: "combat.i", item: "legs combat1" },
  { slot: "legs", spell: "strength.i", item: "legs str1" },
  { slot: "head", spell: "dexterity.i", item: "head dex1" },
  { slot: "head", spell: "combat.i", item: "head combat1" },
  { slot: "head", spell: "strength.i", item: "head str1" },

const uniqueCombinations = generateAllUniqueCombinations(items);


const items = [
  { slot: "body", spell: "combat.i", item: "body combat1" },
  { slot: "body", spell: "combat.i", item: "body combat2" },
  { slot: "body", spell: "strength.i", item: "body str1" },
  { slot: "body", spell: "dexterity.i", item: "body dex1" },
  { slot: "legs", spell: "dexterity.i", item: "legs dex1" },
  { slot: "legs", spell: "combat.i", item: "legs combat1" },
  { slot: "legs", spell: "strength.i", item: "legs str1" },
  { slot: "head", spell: "dexterity.i", item: "head dex1" },
  { slot: "head", spell: "combat.i", item: "head combat1" },
  { slot: "head", spell: "strength.i", item: "head str1" },
  // Add more items for up to 8 slots/spells if needed

function groupItemsBySlot(items) {
  return items.reduce((acc, item) => {
    acc[item.slot] = acc[item.slot] || [];
    return acc;
  }, {});

function generateCombinations(
  currentSlotIndex = 0,
  currentCombination = [],
  usedSpells = new Set(),
  allCombinations = []
) {
  const slots = Object.keys(groupedItems);
  if (currentSlotIndex === slots.length) {
    // Base case: all slots processed

  const currentSlot = slots[currentSlotIndex];
  groupedItems[currentSlot].forEach((item) => {
    if (!usedSpells.has(item.spell)) {
      // Check if the spell is not yet used
      usedSpells.add(item.spell); // Mark the spell as used
        currentSlotIndex + 1,
        [...currentCombination, item],
        new Set(usedSpells),
      usedSpells.delete(item.spell); // Unmark the spell for the next iteration

  if (currentSlotIndex === 0) {
    // Return the result only after the first call completes
    return allCombinations;

const groupedItems = groupItemsBySlot(items);
const uniqueCombinations = generateCombinations(groupedItems);

Keep it short and simple:

function getTriples(items) {
  const result = [];
  for (const [i, firstItem] of items.entries()) {
    for (const [j, secondItem] of items.entries()) {
      for (const [k, thirdItem] of items.entries()) {
        if (i < j && j < k &&
            firstItem.slot != secondItem.slot && firstItem.slot != thirdItem.slot && secondItem.slot != thirdItem.slot &&
            firstItem.spell != secondItem.spell && firstItem.spell != thirdItem.spell && secondItem.spell != thirdItem.spell
        ) {
          result.push([firstItem, secondItem, thirdItem])
  return result;

document.body.textContent = JSON.stringify(getTriples([
  { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat1 },
  { slot:  body , spell:  combat.i , item:  body combat2 },
  { slot:  body , spell:  strength.i , item:  body str1  },
  { slot:  body , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  body dex1  },
  { slot:  legs , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  legs dex1  },
  { slot:  legs , spell:  combat.i , item:  legs combat1  },
  { slot:  legs , spell:  strength.i , item:  legs str1  },
  { slot:  head , spell:  dexterity.i , item:  head dex1  },
  { slot:  head , spell:  combat.i , item:  head combat1  },
  { slot:  head , spell:  strength.i , item:  head str1  },
]), null, 4);
document.body.style = "white-space: pre; font-family: monospace";

You need to organize the data by slot first, and then by spell within each slot is a good start. After organizing the data, you can generate the combinations.

# Example input
items = [
    { slot :  body ,  spell :  combat.i ,  item :  body combat1 },
    { slot :  body ,  spell :  combat.i ,  item :  body combat2 },
    { slot :  body ,  spell :  strength.i ,  item :  body str1 },
    { slot :  body ,  spell :  dexterity.i ,  item :  body dex1 },
    { slot :  legs ,  spell :  dexterity.i ,  item :  legs dex1 },
    { slot :  legs ,  spell :  combat.i ,  item :  legs combat1 },
    { slot :  legs ,  spell :  strength.i ,  item :  legs str1 },
    { slot :  head ,  spell :  dexterity.i ,  item :  head dex1 },
    { slot :  head ,  spell :  combat.i ,  item :  head combat1 },
    { slot :  head ,  spell :  strength.i ,  item :  head str1 },

# Step 1: Organize the data
organized = {}
for item in items:
    slot = item[ slot ]
    spell = item[ spell ]
    if slot not in organized:
        organized[slot] = {}
    if spell not in organized[slot]:
        organized[slot][spell] = []

# Step 2: Generate combinations
# Convert each slot s spells into a list of items
slot_combinations = [list(spell.values()) for spell in organized.values()]
# Generate all combinations using product
all_combinations = list(product(*[item for sublist in slot_combinations for item in sublist]))

# Convert from tuple back to list format for the final output
final_combinations = [[item for item in combo] for combo in all_combinations]

# Example to print the first 5 combinations for brevity
for combo in final_combinations[:5]:

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