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姆克地图箱在 j顶点击手ler
原标题:Mock mapbox click handler callback in jest


  • testing runSomeFunction()
  • testing that the map handles click events correctly


(e) => {
  const { lng, lat } = e.lngLat;
  runSomeFunction(lat, lng);

<代码>runSomeFunction(>> 可与单位测试单独测试。

The click handler could possibly be tested in isolation with a unit test if it s extracted to a named function.

The click handler can also be tested by firing a click event and confirming that it calls a mocked runSomeFunction() with the correct arguments, or confirming the end result of the click. I would call these integration tests instead of unit tests because they don t test the click handler in isolation. I like this take on integration vs unit testing.

MapBox has resources on automated testing with real browsers.


Here is a basic Map jest mock to handle events with mapbox-gl 3.1.2.


// tests/__mocks__/mapbox-gl.js

import EventEmitter from  events ;
import { TextDecoder } from  util ;

// Add `TextDecoder` to globals.
globalThis.TextDecoder = TextDecoder;

const mapboxActual = jest.requireActual( mapbox-gl );

 * Mock Map class.
 * Extends the `EventEmitter` class and adds mock properties & methods.
 * The real `Map` extends `Evented`, but `Evented.fire()` is now private
 * and may be deprecated in the future.
 * @see https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#class-eventemitter
 * @see https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#%EF%B8%8F-breaking-changes-5
class MockMap extends EventEmitter {
  // ... Put mock properties & methods here.

mapboxActual.Map = MockMap;

export default mapboxActual;

Using it

This is a trivial example that tests the runSomeFunction() follow-through with a spy, only b/c I don t know a better way to confirm that console.log() was called correctly. In a real app, if runSomeFunction() renders something, you can test that it appears on the screen as expected.

// runSomeFunction.js

export default function runSomeFunction(lat, lng) {
  console.log(`Map clicked at ${lat}, ${lng}.`);
// map.js

import mapboxgl from  mapbox-gl ;
import runSomeFunction from "./runSomeFunction";

// If you pull in `mapbox-gl` with an html `script` tag instead of
// importing it, you ll need to add `mapboxgl` to the globals for the
// test environment so that it s available here.

mapboxgl.accessToken =  pk.eyJ1Ijoia2VudHIiLCJhIjoiY2tva3YxOWFzMDdpcDJvcno5ZjBzM3JvNCJ9.ZdH2WahCpmtdiLsNLWZNFQ ;

const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
  container:  map , // container ID
  center: [ -74.5, 40 ], // starting position [lng, lat]
  zoom: 9, // starting zoom

map.on( click , (e) => {
  const { lng, lat } = e.lngLat;
  runSomeFunction(lat, lng);

export default map;
// map.test.js

import map from  ./map ;

jest.spyOn(console,  log );

it( logs click on map , () => {

  const testLatLng = {
    lat: 39,
    lng: -74,

  // Confirm `console.log` not called before event is fired.

  // Emit click event.
     click ,
      lngLat: testLatLng,

  // Check result.
  // May need delay for async event.

    .toBeCalledWith(`Map clicked at ${testLatLng.lat}, ${testLatLng.lng}.`);

mapbox-gl via script tag

If you re pulling in mapbox-gl via an html script tag instead of importing it into map.js, here s an example of setting the global for tests.

// jest.config.js

/** @type {import( jest ).Config} */
const config = {
  setupFiles: [
  testEnvironment: "jsdom",

module.exports = config;
// tests/setupTests.js

import mapboxgl from "mapbox-gl";

globalThis.mapboxgl = mapboxgl;

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