English 中文(简体)
部队打开了“ Chrome”中印刷细节/汇总表
原标题:Force open the details / summary tag for Print in Chrome

我试图印刷 Chrome的细节内容,但我可以迫使它开放。


details, details > * { display:block !important; }


是否有办法强迫在幼 to上印刷的剪辑细节?



class App.Views.main extends backbone.View
el : "body"
events : 
    "click [data-auto-focus]":"autoFocus"
initialize : () ->
    # Add conditional classname based on support
    $( html ).addClass( (if $.fn.details.support then  details  else  no-details ))
    $( details ).details()

    if (window.matchMedia)
        mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia( print )
        mediaQueryList.addListener (mql) =>
            if (mql.matches)

    window.onbeforeprint = => @beforePrint
    window.onafterprint = => @afterPrint

render : () ->

openedDetailsBeforePrint : null

beforePrint : () ->
    console.log "before print"
    @openedDetailsBeforePrint = @$el.find( details[open], details.open )
    if ($( html ).hasClass( no-details )) then @$el.find( details ).addClass("open") else @$el.find( details ).attr("open", "")

afterPrint : () ->
    console.log "after print"
    @$el.find( details ).removeClass(".open").removeAttr("open")
    if ($( html ).hasClass( no-details )) then @openedDetailsBeforePrint.addClass("open") else @openedDetailsBeforePrint.attr("open", "")

autoFocus : (e) ->
    $element = if (e.currentTarget) then $(e.currentTarget) else $(e.srcElement)
    return $($element.attr "data-auto-focus").focus()


window.matchMedia("print").addEventListener("change", evt => {
    if (evt.matches) {
        elms = document.body.querySelectorAll("details:not([open])");
        for (e of elms) {
            e.setAttribute("open", "");
            e.dataset.wasclosed = "";
    } else {
        elms = document.body.querySelectorAll("details[data-wasclosed]");
        for (e of elms) {
            delete e.dataset.wasclosed;


  • Restores state after the print command so that details that were already open, stay open.
  • Minimize DOM manipulation by only altering details that are closed.
  • Support DevTools print emulation by using the print media query instead of the print event handler.

用j Query(没有操作)找到合理的交叉浏览器解决办法。 https://www.tjvantoll.com/2008/06/15/detecting-print-requests-with-javascript/:

    // Set up before/after handlers
    var beforePrint = function() {
        $("details").attr( open ,   );
    var afterPrint = function() {
        $("details").removeAttr( open );
    // Webkit
    if (window.matchMedia) {
        var mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia( print );
        mediaQueryList.addListener(function(mql) {
            if (mql.matches) {
            } else {

    // IE, Firefox
    window.onbeforeprint = beforePrint;
    window.onafterprint = afterPrint;

A simple solution in vanilla JavaScript which restores the state of opened/closed details tags after printing:

    // open closed details elements for printing
    window.addEventListener( beforeprint ,() =>
        const allDetails = document.body.querySelectorAll( details );
        for(let i=0; i<allDetails.length; i++)
                allDetails[i].dataset.open =  1 ;
                allDetails[i].setAttribute( open ,   );

    // after printing close details elements not opened before
    window.addEventListener( afterprint ,() =>
        const allDetails = document.body.querySelectorAll( details );
        for(let i=0; i<allDetails.length; i++)
                allDetails[i].dataset.open =   ;
                allDetails[i].removeAttribute( open );

关于这一具体案件(我今天看到,但是花在StackOverflow上的时间),我认为,最好的解决办法是,在国家安全局中添加以下内容:<>详细内容> 贴在@media<<<>><>><>>>>>>>名单上,例如:

@media print {
    details, details > * { display:block !important; }

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm j:(更新)

var mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia( print );
mediaQueryList.addListener( printTest );

function printTest(mql) {
    dt = $(  details  )
    if (mql.matches) {
        dt.each( function( index ){
            b = $(this).attr( open );
            if ( !b ){
                $(this).attr( open ,  );
                $(this).attr( print ,  );
    } else {
        dt.each( function( index ){
            b = $(this).attr( print );
            if ( !b ){
                $(this).removeAttr( open );
                $(this).removeAttr( print );

This printTest method verify if matches.
matches: open closed details elements and add an attribute print to close after.
!matches: close details elements with print attribute (and remove this attributes: open and print)

Looks more about this in JSFiddle

这里的答案是简便的 van。 这只是通过所有<条码>细节标签打开,在印刷时打开,然后在印刷后关闭:

// Open all details tags when printing.
window.addEventListener(  beforeprint , () => {
    [].forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll(  details  ), el => el.setAttribute(  open ,    ) )
} )

// Close all details tags after printing.
window.addEventListener(  afterprint , () => {
    [].forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll(  details  ), el => el.removeAttribute(  open  ) )
} )

2024年,我在这里讲述了我在 Chrome、 Firefox、 Firefox和Safari对马科斯的工作,并考虑到已经开放/封闭的<条码>细节:

window.addEventListener( beforeprint , (event) => {
  for (const detailEl of document.querySelectorAll( details )) {
    if (detailEl.getAttribute( open ) == null) {
      detailEl.setAttribute( data-was-closed ,  true )
    detailEl.setAttribute( open ,   )

window.addEventListener( afterprint , (event) => {
  for (const detailEl of document.querySelectorAll( details )) {
    if (detailEl.getAttribute( data-was-closed ) != null) {
      detailEl.removeAttribute( data-was-closed )
      detailEl.removeAttribute( open )

If you don t want to use a for..of loop, you can use .forEach() with or without Array.from(), or you can use it with the array spread syntax.

// If your browser supports `.forEach()` on a `NodeList`.
// Browser support: https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_nodelist_foreach
document.querySelectorAll( details ).forEach(/* ... */)

// If you have `Array.from()` through a polyfill but not `.forEach()` on a `NodeList`.
// Browser support: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from#browser_compatibility
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll( details )).forEach(/* ... */)

// If you don t have `Array.from()` but do have a transpilation method
// that can handle this `NodeList` to `Array` conversion.
// Browser support: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax#browser_compatibility
[...document.querySelectorAll( details )].forEach(/* ... */)

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