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原标题:How to get the recursive difference formula between two columns in excel

I am stuck on the recursive calculation on excel. Now I have two columns like below: enter image description here

Now I need to calculate two results from these two columns: 1/ In every 4 rows, the left column recursively subtracts the right column from the 4 rows number, which means, xt1-xbar1, xt2-xbar2, xt3-xbar3, xt4-xbar4, xt5-xbar1, xt6-xbar2,... The left column will be called each row, but every 4 rows after, it will subtract the 1st row back from the left column.

2 另一种计算方法是,从两行各栏的差额中收回产品,在三行中重新计算。 这意味着(xt2-xbar2)(xt1-xbar1),(xt3-xbar3)(xt2-xbar2),(xt4-xbar4)(xt3-xbar3),(xt5-xbar1)(xt4-xbar4),(xt6-xbar2)*(xt5-xbar1),......

Could anyone help me work out the formula above? Thanks.


Different Sized Columns Difference feat. a Running Product

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Excel 2021


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