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部族暴徒? 静态功能称为汇编错误,但不存在结构上的差异。
原标题:clang bug? Ambiguous function call compilation errors, yet there is no amiguity present



clang++> is mistaking a bian/code> declaration within a group and its definition out the category as two separate functions, debeit with same signature.

我已把我有问题的法典尽可能减少,以揭露汇编错误的原因。 我相信,这意味着<条码>clang<>/代码>是错的,因为我手写的是C++,但从未这样做——该法典还汇编了对我其他Macs和Loplin的罚款。

我删除并重列了所有指挥系统工具。 Sam。


#include <iostream>

namespace gml {
    template <typename T>
    concept Numeric = requires (T value) {
        // lots of stuff...
    template <Numeric T>
    class tensor {
        // lots more stuff...
        tensor() = default; // constructs an empty tensor
        template <Numeric U, Numeric V>
        friend bool operator==(const tensor<U>&, const tensor<V>&);
    template <Numeric U, Numeric V>
    bool operator==(const tensor<U>& t1, const tensor<V>& t2) {
        return true;

int main() {
    gml::tensor<long double> t;
    gml::tensor<long double> t3;
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << "t == t3: " << (t == t3) << std::endl;
    return 0;


test.cpp:26:54: error: use of overloaded operator  ==  is ambiguous (with operand types  gml::tensor<long double>  and  gml::tensor<long double> )
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << "t == t3: " << (t == t3) << std::endl;
                                                   ~ ^  ~~
test.cpp:15:21: note: candidate function [with U = long double, V = long double]
        friend bool operator==(const tensor<U>&, const tensor<V>&);
test.cpp:18:10: note: candidate function [with U = long double, V = long double]
    bool operator==(const tensor<U> &t1, const tensor<V> &t2) {
1 error generated.


P.S.,我用<代码>clang++-std=c++20 测试.cpp-o test和运行clang++-version印刷:

Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.
Target: arm64-apple-darwin23.3.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

这似乎是一种pple,而且该方案非常了解情况。 所有其他3名汇编者(gcc、部族和msvc)compiles 该方案只是罚款。


namespace gml {
    template <Numeric T>
    class tensor {
        //other code as before
        template <Numeric U, Numeric V>
        friend bool operator==(const tensor<U>&, const tensor<V>&) //provide definition here inside class
            return true;  

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