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原标题:Turing machine vs Von Neuman machine


Von-Neumann 架构描述了储存的program计算机,其指示和数据通过改变其内部状态储存在记忆和机器工程中,即根据一些数据进行指示,并对数据进行改动。 从本质上讲,该制度中存在国家。

<>土耳其机器结构在磁带上操纵符号。 i.e 存在一定数量位置的磁带,在任何时候, Tur机处于特定位置。 机器可根据该档次的文号更改文号,改为不同的编号。 所有这些都是决定性的。


  1. 这两个模式之间是否有任何关系? Von Neuman模式是否基于或受到 Tur淡模式的启发?

  2. 我们是否可以说,海图模式是万纽曼模式的超级集?

  3. Does functional Programming fit into Turing model? If so, how? I assume functional programing does not lend itself nicely to the Von Neuman model.


Tur机是theoretical concept发明的,目的是以数学方式探讨可计算问题的领域,并找到描述这些计算方法。

Von-Neumann的建筑结构是建造actual Computer(implementTuring机器在理论上描述的内容)的结构。

功能性方案拟订以lambda-calculus为基础,这是描述计算或更准确地说是可计算功能的又一方法。 虽然它采用完全不同的方法,但它同样对 Tur机(据说是turing full)具有影响力。


  • variables like x
  • anonymous functions like λx. T
  • function applications T T


But due to their stateless and more abstract nature, functional programs might be less efficient and less "intuitive" on Von-Neumann computers compared to imperative programs which follow it s style of binary, memory and update.


Generally one refers to the Von Neumann architecture, as contrasted with the Harvard architecture. The former has code and data stored in the same way, whereas the latter has separate memory and bus pathways for code and data. All modern desktop PCs are Von Neumann, most microcontrollers are Harvard. Both are examples of real-world designs that attempt to emulate a theoretical Turing machine (which is impossible because a true Turing machine requires infinite memory).

我不知道图林马奇内斯和von Neuman architectures之间存在何种历史关系。 然而,我确信,在Turing machines开发造谣时,von Neuman architecture知道。

As far as computational capability, however, Turing machines and von Neuman machines are equivalent. Either one can emulate the other (IIRC, emulating a von Neuman program on a Turing machine is an O(n^6) operation). Functional programming, in the form of the lambda calculus, is also equivalent. In fact, all known computational frameworks at least as powerful as Turing machines are equivalent:

  • Turing machines
  • Lambda calculus (functional programming)
  • von Neuman machines
  • Partial recursive functions

There is no difference in the set of functions that can be computed with any of these models.

功能性节目源自Mlambda calculus,因此,它直接向Turing或 von Nemuan机器提供地图。 两者都可以通过效仿实施实用方案。 我认为,对海图机器的勘测可能比对Von Neuman机器的勘测更糟,因此,我对第三期问题的回答是“否,事实上它更糟”。

The easy way to understand the difference is... von Neumann stretched Turing s alpha-machine concept to support more than one algorithm in shared, centralized, unprotected memory. This led away from Alonzo Church s Lambda Calculus and functional programming to RISC instructions, dangerously shared static addressing, the dictatorial superuser, central operating systems, virtual memory, virtual machine, and endless cybercrime. Instead, the Turing Machine was intended as the Lambda engine of the Lambda Calculus, creating virtual functions (instead of virtual machines). Remember, Alan Turing was Alonzo Church s doctoral student in 1936 and 1937. They intended Alonzo Church s symbolic, functional modularity to encapsulate and protect the single algorithm as a simple binary computer to implement their Church-Turing Thesis. Lambda machine code enforces functional programming as a better and more powerful computer using immutable names, object-oriented programs, and Capability-Based Addressing. The binary computer (either Turing s or von Neumann s), when encapsulated this way, creates a Church-Turing Machine with six additional Church Instructions to programmatically control an application namespace, a thread of execution, secure call and return to subroutine abstractions, programmed functions, and binary objects, as explained in Civilizing Cyberspace: The Fight For Digital Democracy

Having safe and protecting hardware that protects the programming environment in the Church Turing style is really attractive, but what I ask is how can the industry be transitioned to this idea? Scare tactics won t do it no matter how hard the red flag is waved.

对目前设计的投资太大。 在更换不安全的建筑的同时,还需要有商业吸引力的方式加以引入,但目前仍允许使用现有能力和大多数现有软件投资。 这包括对产品和工作人员培训的投资。 如果有可能,替换必须能够在硬件中达到几乎看不到的水平,并且以最低影响保护现有软件。


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