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Neovim: icons Claimant nvim-tree-web-devicons
原标题:Neovim: icons missing nvim-tree-web-devicons





Config with packer:


    requires = {
        "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", -- optional, for file icons



是否应当安装所有电灯? 因为只安装了其中的缩略语之一,即<条码>。



Make sure to set the terminal font to use the patched font. To change the font in iTerm2:

  1. Start iTerm2.
  2. Click iTerm2 → Preferences → Profiles → Text.
  3. Choose the patched font on the right.

Got the same issue when upgraded my distro. Have been using Nvim-Web-Devicons with lazy.nvim.
The following methods might work for you too:

  1. Install a patched version of Nerd Font that supports icon display. Maybe try some from here that suits you best.
  2. Check if your terminal is set to use the font that you have downloaded in the config.


# Font.
font_family      FiraCode Nerd Font
bold_font        FiraCode Nerd Bold
italic_font      FiraCode Nerd Medium Italic
bold_italic_font FiraCode Nerd Bold Italic
font_size 12
  1. Actually check if the terminal that you are using supports display of unicode characters if font provided.

如果像我国这样的东西不可行,那么就试图利用终点站打开你安装了猪肉的目录,其中很可能是~/. local/comm/nvim/lazy/nvim-web-devicons,并在该名录内操作,并可能引发某些使其发挥作用的事情。 职业介绍仪表板在图像前后提供参考,服务器打上拖车,让我在书写时卸下。

我在乌班图22.04上台时也面临同样的问题。 @Fady的步调是巨大的,采取了一些额外的步骤:

  • Download one of the latest Nerd Fonts.
  • Install fonts:
    # copy the downloaded `.otf` or `.ttf` files to system fonts directory.
    sudo cp *.otf /usr/share/fonts/
    # after copying fonts, refresh systems font cache by below command
    sudo fc-cache -fv
  • Now, you shoud set teminal font by choosing one of the patched fonts.


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