English 中文(简体)
原标题:What are the supported languages with AVSpeechSynthesizer?


它是否支持其他语文? . 2005年,葡萄牙语......在某个地方是否有这些语言的清单?



import AVFoundation
import Foundation

func getSpeechSupportedRegionalLanguages() -> [String] {
    let voices = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices()
    var languages: Set<String> = []
    let english = Locale(identifier: "en")
    voices.forEach{languages.insert(english.localizedString(forIdentifier: $0.language)!)}
    return Array(languages).sorted()

func getSpeechSupportedLanguages() -> [String] {
    let voices = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices()
    var languages: Set<String> = []
    let english = Locale(identifier: "en")
    voices.forEach{languages.insert(english.localizedString(forLanguageCode: $0.language)!)}
    return Array(languages).sorted()

2024.02.17 result

without regional variants (33 total):

  1. Arabic
  2. Bulgarian
  3. Catalan
  4. Chinese
  5. Croatian
  6. Czech
  7. Danish
  8. Dutch
  9. English
  10. Finnish
  11. French
  12. German
  13. Greek
  14. Hebrew
  15. Hindi
  16. Hungarian
  17. Indonesian
  18. Italian
  19. Japanese
  20. Korean
  21. Malay
  22. Norwegian Bokmål
  23. Polish
  24. Portuguese
  25. Romanian
  26. Russian
  27. Slovak
  28. Spanish
  29. Swedish
  30. Thai
  31. Turkish
  32. Ukrainian
  33. Vietnamese

with regional variants (44 total):

  1. Arabic (world)
  2. Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
  3. Catalan (Spain)
  4. Chinese (China mainland)
  5. Chinese (Hong Kong)
  6. Chinese (Taiwan)
  7. Croatian (Croatia)
  8. Czech (Czechia)
  9. Danish (Denmark)
  10. Dutch (Belgium)
  11. Dutch (Netherlands)
  12. English (Australia)
  13. English (India)
  14. English (Ireland)
  15. English (South Africa)
  16. English (United Kingdom)
  17. English (United States)
  18. Finnish (Finland)
  19. French (Canada)
  20. French (France)
  21. German (Germany)
  22. Greek (Greece)
  23. Hebrew (Israel)
  24. Hindi (India)
  25. Hungarian (Hungary)
  26. Indonesian (Indonesia)
  27. Italian (Italy)
  28. Japanese (Japan)
  29. Korean (South Korea)
  30. Malay (Malaysia)
  31. Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)
  32. Polish (Poland)
  33. Portuguese (Brazil)
  34. Portuguese (Portugal)
  35. Romanian (Romania)
  36. Russian (Russia)
  37. Slovak (Slovakia)
  38. Spanish (Mexico)
  39. Spanish (Spain)
  40. Swedish (Sweden)
  41. Thai (Thailand)
  42. Turkish (Türkiye)
  43. Ukrainian (Ukraine)
  44. Vietnamese (Vietnam)

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