English 中文(简体)
原标题:Matched leaf route at location "/" does not have an element

在“/”地点搭配的切叶线没有元素。 这意味着,如果出现导致“豁免”页的违约,就会使该页失去价值。

//App.js File

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from  react-router-dom ;
import Home from  ./pages/Home ;
// import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

const App = () => {
  return (

    <Router >

        <Route path="/" component={ Home }></Route>


export default App;

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我任何与反应堆有关的代码,如果一开始在方案中插入某些路线,就不知道为何出现这种错误。


在V6中,你可以再使用<代码>component。 改为<代码>element:

<Route path="/" element={<Home />}></Route>

https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/blob/main/docs/upgrad/v5.md#advantages-of-route-element”rel=“noreferer”>migration doc

I had the same problem. Replace component with element and it worked.


<Route path="/" component={HomePage} exact />


<Route path="/" element={<HomePage/>} exact />

I had the same error however my fix was slightly different I had spelled element wrong.

<Route exact path= /MyGames  element={<MyGames/>}/>

这是它给我留下的青 the的错误。

<编码> 位于“MyGames”地点的相匹配的传单路线没有要素。 这意味着,它将使“Outlet />”变得“无效”,因违约而失去价值,造成“豁免”页。

Very simple:

  1. use element instead of component
  2. wrap the your component like this: {<Home/>} instead of {Home}
<Route path="/" component={ <Home/> } />

<Route path= /about  component={About} />

I used

<Route path= /about  element={<About />} />


This is a common problem if you are using react-router-dom V6 in your react app. To solve this it s simple

In your code Replace component with element Replace {home} with {<home/>}

This becomes... <Route path="/" element={<Home/>}></Route>


如果你重新使用反应路线6或6或以上,你可能会有包括母子和子女路线在内的通道。 之后,您可尝试开辟一条道路,如一条路线。





For those who have reached this point while using a Route where you don t need an element, in my case, I opted to include a solitary "element".

    <Route exact path="/" element />
    <Route path="/about" element={<About />} />

就我而言,我需要一个路线项目,但确实需要它接收一个要素,因为我使用的道路只是同一个接口的 anchor子。 我不需要装载一个部件。

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