English 中文(简体)
原标题:Subquery join not working as expected when trying to join an array
  • 时间:2024-02-16 10:38:45
  •  标签:
  • postgresql



create schema if not exists bv;

create table if not exists bv.user (
  id serial primary key,
  user_name varchar(15) not null,
  is_male boolean not null

create table if not exists bv.chat (
  id serial primary key

create table if not exists bv.chat_message (
  id serial primary key,
  chat_id bigint references bv.chat (id),
  user_id bigint references bv.user (id),
  message_text varchar(255) not null

create table if not exists bv.junction_user_chat (
  chat_id bigint references bv.chat (id),
  user_id bigint references bv.user (id)

create table if not exists bv.user_coordinates (
  id serial primary key,
  user_id bigint references bv.user (id)

create table if not exists bv.user_like (
  id serial primary key,
  source_user_id bigint references bv.user (id),
  target_user_id bigint references bv.user (id)
insert into bv.user values
  (100,  Mike , true),
  (101,  John , true),
  (102,  Jane , false),
  (103,  George , true),
  (104,  Lance , true);
insert into bv.chat values
insert into bv.junction_user_chat values
  (10, 101),
  (10, 102);
insert into bv.chat_message values
  (500, 10, 101,  hello ),
  (501, 10, 102,  how are you? );
insert into bv.user_coordinates values
  (777, 100),
  (778, 101),
  (779, 102),
  (780, 103),
  (781, 104);
insert into bv.user_like values
  (1, 101, 102),
  (2, 102, 101),
  (3, 100, 102),
  (4, 103, 102),
  (5, 102, 104);

让我假设:user with ID 102 (Jane)。 我期待我回来,

│ id   │ user_name          │ is_male  │
│ 100  │ Mike               │ true     │
│ 103  │ George             │ true     │


  • Users 102 and 101 already have a chat (and chat messages) between them, which why user 101 is not returned in the query,
  • User 102 does not exist as the source_user_id in bv."user_like" — if they did exist in that table, then user 103 would not be returned in the query
  • Users 100 and 103 are returned because,
    • they ve both "liked" user 102,
    • user 102 not exist as bv."user_like"."souce_user_id",
    • a chat doesn t exist for neither users 102 - 100 nor 102 - 103
  • User 104 is not returned because user 102 already "liked" them (even though user 104 hasn t liked user 102 back at the moment)

同样,这里的想法是让所有用户都了解,目前的用户(约102人)已经与用户进行了互动。 我通过“互动”是指<代码>bv user_lies>、bv chat>bv chat_message>上的记录。


FROM bv.user_coordinates uc
JOIN bv.user u
    ON u.id = uc.user_id
    FROM bv.junction_user_chat
) chat_ids
  ON chat_ids.user_id = 102
LEFT JOIN bv.user_like ul
    ON u.id = ul.target_user_id
    AND ul.source_user_id = 102
LEFT JOIN bv.chat_message cm 
    ON cm.chat_id = any(chat_ids)
    AND (cm.user_id = u.id OR cm.user_id = 102)
WHERE u.id != 102
AND uc.user_id = u.id
AND u.is_male = true
AND ul.id is null
AND cm.id is null

问题是,我不知道如何使用<条码>禁令_user_chat。 理想的情况是,我要形成一个阵列: ids(因为我已尝试这样做),然后检查用户代码<102<<>>>是否在场;如果是的话,我就想从结果中删除。

How can I get this to work, is my approach even in the correct direction? Postgres array methods and data types are new to me in general, I m much more used to junction tables, so I d much more prefer that over the current attempt with the nested join and ANY comparison.

最后,我要提到,这是实际查询的一个严重中下流的版本,因此,你看到了一个<条码>,从用户_coordinations<>/code>. 这一部分可以改变,但我在此保留。



with chats_of_user as (
  select distinct chat_id
  from bv.user userA
  join bv.junction_user_chat chatA
  on userA.id = chatA.user_id
  where userA.id= 102
users_not_involed_in_chat as (
  select id
  from bv.user
  where bv.user.id NOT IN (
    select distinct userChatA.user_id
    from chats_of_user
    join bv.junction_user_chat userChatA
    on userChatA.chat_id = chats_of_user.chat_id
not_liked_users as (
  select id
  from bv.user
  where id NOT IN (
    select distinct userLike.target_user_id
    from bv.user userA
    join bv.user_like userLike
    on userA.id = userLike.source_user_id
    where userA.id = 102

select users_not_involed_in_chat.id
from users_not_involed_in_chat 
join not_liked_users
on users_not_involed_in_chat.id = not_liked_users.id

以上情况就是这样。 你可以广泛检查其他案件。 还请在使用<条码>解释分析后核对。


  • getting the id of your chosen user
  • getting user_fans ids (people he is being liked from)
  • getting user_talkers ids (people he has talked to)
  • getting fans he has not talked to (user_fans except user_talkers)
  • retrieve user data for the remaining fans
WITH chosen_user AS (
    SELECT id AS user_id
    FROM bv.user
    WHERE user_name =  Jane 
), user_fans AS (
    SELECT source_user_id AS user_id
    FROM       bv.user_like 
    INNER JOIN chosen_user
            ON user_like.target_user_id = chosen_user.user_id
), user_talkers AS (
    SELECT user_chatters.user_id
    FROM       bv.junction_user_chat user_chats
    INNER JOIN chosen_user
            ON user_chats.user_id = chosen_user.user_id
    INNER JOIN bv.junction_user_chat user_chatters
            ON user_chatters.chat_id = user_chats.chat_id
    WHERE NOT user_chatters.user_id = chosen_user.user_id 
), fans_to_interact_with AS (
    SELECT * FROM user_fans
    SELECT * FROM user_talkers
SELECT bv.user.*
FROM       fans_to_interact_with
INNER JOIN bv.user
        ON fans_to_interact_with.user_id = bv.user.id


id user_name is_male
100 Mike true
103 George true



WITH user_fans AS (
    SELECT source_user_id AS user_id
    FROM bv.user_like 
    WHERE target_user_id = 102
), user_talkers AS (
    SELECT user_chatters.user_id
    FROM       bv.junction_user_chat user_chats
    INNER JOIN bv.junction_user_chat user_chatters
            ON user_chatters.chat_id = user_chats.chat_id
    WHERE user_chats.user_id = 102
      AND NOT user_chatters.user_id = 102
), fans_to_interact_with AS (
    SELECT * FROM user_fans
    SELECT * FROM user_talkers
SELECT bv.user.*
FROM       fans_to_interact_with
INNER JOIN bv.user
        ON fans_to_interact_with.user_id = bv.user.id



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