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原标题:Sheet dismiss gesture delay breaks subsequent sheet presentation

目前,我正在撰写一个利用快速倡议的项目,每个纽芬兰文在一份清单中都呈报。 如果我不使用被解职的县,并在名单上选择另一个县,则该表没有问题。



我的结论认为,如果出现一个解职,is Presented就立即被定为伪造,但用一种pe塞的姿态予以驳回,在更新时,明显延误。 我将如何把这一拖延从沉积姿态中删除?

I tried using sheet(item: ) as well, but some buttons tend to not present a sheet if I quickly dismiss and press a button.

样本代码如下。 首先,出示该表,以wi子姿态予以驳回,并迅速在名单上选择另一个纽州(或同一个纽州)。 页: 1

// Comment out the ContentView that you don t want to present
struct SheetItem: Identifiable {
    let id: UUID = UUID()
    let name: String

struct ContentView: View {
    let items = [
        SheetItem(name: "John"),
        SheetItem(name: "Dylan"),
        SheetItem(name: "Dave")

    @State private var isPresented = false
    @State private var selectedItem: SheetItem?

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                Section("Uses isPresented for the sheet") {
                    ForEach(items, id: .id) { item in
                        Button(item.name) {
                            // This shows the sheet presentation state on button press
                            // print(isPresented)
                            selectedItem = item
        .sheet(isPresented: $isPresented) {
            if let item = selectedItem {
                SheetView(item: item)
            } else {
                Text("Item not selected?")

struct ContentView: View {
    let items = [
        SheetItem(name: "John"),
        SheetItem(name: "Dylan"),
        SheetItem(name: "Dave")

    @State private var isPresented = false
    @State private var selectedItem: SheetItem?

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                Section("Uses isPresented for the sheet") {
                    ForEach(items, id: .id) { item in
                        Button(item.name) {
                            // This shows the sheet presentation state on button press
                            // print(selectedItem)
                            selectedItem = item
        .sheet(item: $selectedItem) { item in
            SheetView(item: item)

struct SheetView: View {
    @Environment(.dismiss) var dismiss
    var item: SheetItem

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Hello, (item.name)")
            Button("Dismiss") {




// Adjust the delay as needed (I ve used 0.25 secs with success) 
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delayInSeconds) { 
    showingConfirmationDialog = true

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