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原标题:Vue script in my django project is not showing up

I currently nearly finished a django project. On top of it, I just want to use vue to spare some repetition and discover some features that might better the user interaction experience. I referenced vue through CDN link in my base template <scriptsrc="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.js"></script>. And under the link, I tried a demo vue code

    const { createApp, ref } = Vue
      setup() {
        const notice = ref( Hello vue! )
        return {
    }).mount( #app )

在我的模板上,我增加了<代码><div id=“app”>{>notice ́lt;/div>。

我期待我的网站顶点展示“我! 意思正确。 但我只得到“麻烦”。 难道CDN的连接方式不能被 d笑,或者说,在使我的《行为准则》不发挥作用的进程中,我会误导吗?


正如在评论中指出的,总结Vue与逐字标签使用的曲线(S Django 不会将其作为排气管的一部分消费),因此模板是:

<div id="app">{% verbatim %}{{notice}}{% endverbatim%} something</div>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.js"></script>
    const { createApp, ref } = Vue
      setup() {
        const notice = ref( Hello vue! )
        return {
    }).mount( #app )


<编码> Hello vue! 页: 1

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