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React Indigenous settimeout - How to cleartimeout
原标题:React Native setTimeout - How to clearTimeout




useEffect(() => {
  return () => clearTimeout(myTimeout)
}, [])

_getData = () => {
  .then(data => {
    let myTimeout = setTimeout(() => setSomething(!something), 5000)

因此,在《法典》中,我称之为“植被(Data)”的其他地方,我不想在第一页的负荷时使用效果,而只是在采取某些行动的时候。 在我获得数据后,我确定时间。 但是,使用效果并不了解这一时间。


  setTimeoutVar(setTimeout(() => setSomething(!something), 5000))

 return () => clearTimeout(setTimeoutVar)




每天就该问题开展工作,都写下了一个关于中途停留的问题,并用两分钟来表示。 !!

这个问题的答案是确定一个变数,以伪造,然后在数据回来时改变变量。 然后有单独的使用效果功能,只处理这种情况。 当变数变化发生时。 如果变量是真实的,则规定时间分配和使用功能可追溯。

const [refresh, setRefresh] = useState(false)

useEffect(() => {
  let timeoutVariable

    timeoutVariable = setTimeout(() => setRefresh(false), 5000)

  return () => clearTimeout(timeoutVariable)

}, [refresh]) 

_getData = () => {
  .then(data => {


Since the timeout is defined within the _getData function, it s not accessible in the useEffect cleanup function where you re attempting to clear it.

为确保您在部件不成批时能够清点时间,您需要以可在_getData功能和use Effect清理职能范围内查阅的方式储存时间。

实现这一目的的一个途径是使用ref(通过useRef)储存时间结算。 这种做法确保了全时都能获得排外身份证,并可加以修改,而不会造成额外情况。


import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from  react ;

function YourComponent() {
  // State to manage something
  const [something, setSomething] = useState(false);
  // Ref to store the timeout ID
  const timeoutRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Cleanup function to clear the timeout when the component unmounts
    return () => {
      if (timeoutRef.current) {
  }, []);

  const _getData = () => {
    .then(data => {
      // Save the timeout ID in the ref
      timeoutRef.current = setTimeout(() => setSomething(!something), 5000);

  // Remember to call _getData somewhere in your component, like in response to an event

  return (
    // Your component JSX
  1. Ref Usage: Using useRef, we create a persistent reference (timeoutRef) that can hold the timeout ID. This ref does not trigger re-renders when its content changes, making it ideal for this use case.
  2. Setting the Timeout: Inside _getData, after fetching data, we assign the timeout ID to timeoutRef.current. This makes the timeout ID accessible outside _getData, specifically in the useEffect cleanup function.
  3. Clearing the Timeout: In the useEffect cleanup function, we check if timeoutRef.current has a value and use clearTimeout to clear it. This ensures that if the component unmounts, any active timeout is canceled, preventing the state update on an unmounted component (which would cause a React error).

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