English 中文(简体)
原标题:Webdriver stopped opening Firefox

因此,使用etaoin,在衣物中做一些网络上手铐。 它对一名雇员的罚款。 然而,我的方案正突破第7行:

(ns socialauto.core) (require [etaoin.api :as e]) (require [etaoin.keys :as k])

(要求[社会-auto.scraper :作为报废者])

(f) 司机(e/firefox)

When it goes to define the firefox driver (f) 司机(e/firefox), it just blows up. It gives me this error:

#error { :cause throw+: {:response {:value {:error "unknown error", :message "Process unexpectedly closed with status signal", :stacktrace ""}}, :path "session", :payload {:desiredCapabilities {:loggingPrefs {:browser "ALL"}}}, :method :post, :type :etaoin/http-error, :port 64044, :host "", :status 500, :webdriver-url nil, :driver {:type :firefox, :host "", :port 64044, :url "", :locator "xpath", :capabilities {:loggingPrefs {:browser "ALL"}}, :args ("geckodriver" "--port" 64044), :process {:proc #object[java.lang.ProcessImpl 0x321bf4b1 "Process[pid=9879, exitValue="not exited"]"], :exit nil, :in #object[java.lang.ProcessImpl$ProcessPipeOutputStream 0x598f6c93 "java.lang.ProcessImpl$ProcessPipeOutputStream@598f6c93"], :out #object[java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream 0x65630116 "java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream@65630116"], :err #object[java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream 0x65630116 "java.lang.ProcessBuilder$NullInputStream@65630116"], :prev nil, :cmd ["geckodriver" "--port" "64044"]}}}

This began happening one morning when I went to run the program. It had been running fine the day before.

我已经停下来,Geckodriver和Adre。 这并没有固定下来。 我期待它成为某种版本的问题,并且认为,如果没有我所知,它已经更新。




(f) 司机(e/firefox)


(def driver (e/firefox {:path-driver "/opt/homebrew/bin/geckodriver" :path-browser "/opt/homebrew/bin/firefox"}))


For anyone else who has this issue: run where geckodriver and where firefox and set the outputs of those as values 纽约总部 the keys :path-driver and :path-browser.

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