English 中文(简体)
如何在@Preview @Composable中初步形成一个供浏览的界面
原标题:How to initialize an interface for viewmodel in a @Preview @Composable

my problem lies with how to initialize an interface in a viewmodel that is to be used in a @Preview @Composable function. My preview is not showing up in Android Studio because of the following stack trace nor is my next activity (Composables) when I run in emulator or device.



fun WishListViewModelData(fbVM: FirebaseWishListViewModel) {
val fb = Firebase
val loggedInCurrentUserEmail = fb.auth.currentUser?.email.toString()
val loggedInEmail: String = loggedInCurrentUserEmail
val recipState: State<RecipientData> = fbVM.uiRecipientState.collectAsState()
val purchaserState: State<PurchaserData> = fbVM.uiPurchaserState.collectAsState()
    loggedInEmail = loggedInEmail,
    recipState = recipState,
    purchaserState = purchaserState,
    fbVM = fbVM


@Preview(showBackground = true, apiLevel = 33)
fun WishListBody() {
lateinit var contactsRepository: ContactsRepository
val repoContacts = contactsRepository
val viewModel = FirebaseWishListViewModel(repoContacts)
WishListViewModelData(fbVM = viewModel)

fun RecipientWishList(
loggedInEmail: String?,
recipState: State<RecipientData>,
purchaserState: State<PurchaserData>,
fbVM: FirebaseWishListViewModel
) {

val requestManager = Glide.with(LocalContext.current)
val imageFileName: String? = null
val showDialog = remember {mutableStateOf(false)}

var selectedRecipientProfile: MutableMap<String,Any> = mutableMapOf()
val purchaserInfo = purchaserState.value
val purchaserImages = purchaserState.value.purchaserImage?.value!!

   Column (
        modifier = Modifier

       // Purchaser Icon Button
            onClick = { showDialog.value = true },
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
            if (showDialog.value) {

                ShowPopUp(purchaserImages = purchaserImages, fbVM = fbVM)
        // Active recipient picture with gift items
    Row (modifier = Modifier.wrapContentWidth(Alignment.CenterHorizontally)){
        val recipList = fbVM.getAllRecipientsInfo(loggedInEmail)

        SetRecipientImage(recipientMap = recipList, rm = requestManager, imageURL = 
        recipState.value.recipientImage.toString() )
        val productMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
        GetListItems(products = productMap)
        //List of all recipients that belongs to signed in user

    LazyRow(state = rememberLazyListState()){

        val numRecipients = fbVM.getAllRecipientsInfo(loggedInEmail.toString()).count()
        items(numRecipients) {
            ElevatedButton(onClick = {
                selectedRecipientProfile =
                    loggedInEmail?.let { it1 -> switchRecipientProfile(it1, 
   fbVM.getAllRecipientsInfo(loggedInEmail)) }!!
            }) {
                GlideImage(model = recipState.value.recipientImage!!, 
     contentDescription = "${recipState.value.recipientFirstName}"
                Text (recipState.value.recipientFirstName.toString())
                Text (recipState.value.recipientLastName.toString())
                Text (recipState.value.recipientAddress.toString())
                Text (recipState.value.recipientCity.toString())
                Text (recipState.value.recipientState.toString())
                Text (recipState.value.recipientZipCode.toString())
                Text (recipState.value.recipientPhone.toString())
                Text (recipState.value.recipientEmail.toString())






My view model looks like the following:

package com.tritongames.shoppingwishlist.data.viewmodels

import android.util.Log
import androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import com.google.firebase.Firebase
import com.google.firebase.auth.auth
import com.google.firebase.firestore.DocumentSnapshot
import com.google.firebase.firestore.firestore
import com.google.firebase.storage.FirebaseStorage
import com.tritongames.shoppingwishlist.data.repository.contacts.ContactsRepository
import dagger.hilt.android.lifecycle.HiltViewModel
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.getAndUpdate
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import java.io.File
import javax.inject.Inject

data class PurchaserData(
val purchaserImage: MutableState<MutableMap<String, String>>? = null,
val purchaserFirstName: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserLastName: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserAddress: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserCity: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserState: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserZipCode: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserEmail: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserPhone: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserPassword: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val purchaserUserName: MutableState<String?>? = null,
data class RecipientData(
val recipientImage: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientFirstName: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientLastName: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientAddress: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientCity: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientState: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientZipCode: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientEmail: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientPhone: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientPassword: MutableState<String?>? = null,
val recipientUserName: MutableState<String?>? = null,

  class FirebaseWishListViewModel @Inject 

constructor(private val contactsRepository: ContactsRepository) : ViewModel() {

  fun repoContacts(): ContactsRepository 
   return contactsRepository

  private val _uiPurchaserState = MutableStateFlow(PurchaserData())
  val uiPurchaserState: StateFlow<PurchaserData> = _uiPurchaserState.asStateFlow()

  private val _uiRecipientState = MutableStateFlow(RecipientData())
  val uiRecipientState: StateFlow<RecipientData> = _uiRecipientState.asStateFlow()

  companion object {
    class FirebaseWishListViewModelFactory(private val contactsRepository: 
        ViewModelProvider.Factory {

        override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T =

                lateinit var vm: T
                    isAssignableFrom(FirebaseWishListViewModel::class.java) -> 

                    else -> { throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ViewModel class: 

            } as T


fun getAllPurchaserPictures(loggedInEmail: String): MutableMap<String,String> {
    val purchaserImagesMap: MutableMap<String,String> = mutableMapOf()
    viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
        val purchPictures = _uiPurchaserState.getAndUpdate {
            val pics = 

mutableStateOf(contactsRepository.getPurchaserPictures(loggedInEmail)) PurchaserData(pics) } purchPictures.purchaserImage?.value?.let { purchaserImagesMap.putAll(it) }

    return purchaserImagesMap

/ 联系人

  override suspend fun 
   MutableMap<String, String> {

    val filePath = StringBuilder()
    val storage: FirebaseStorage = 
    var imageFileNames: 

  Email/Images" )
        .addOnSuccessListener { it ->
            for(item: StorageReference in 
  it.items) {
                val name = item.name
                val path = item.path
                imageFileNames = 
 mutableMapOf(name to path)


    return imageFileNames

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