English 中文(简体)
能够称呼这些价值观的短期变数价值—— Java本
原标题:Sort variables value while being able to call the values - JavaScript


      var value1 = 4
      var value2 = 3
      var value3 = 5
      var value4 = 1
      var value5 = 2
      //This are the values that I want to sort//



Can you also include an explanation of the code, I would be grateful.


因此,如果我理解你的问题,这是令人感兴趣的。 但基本上,你可以这样做,把你们的变量提升为这样的目标:

var value1 = 4
var value2 = 3
var value3 = 5
var value4 = 1
var value5 = 2

const data = { value1, value2, value3, value4, value5 };

With that in place, they now have names! So you can use Object to help yourself out:

const values = Object.values(data).sort();
Object.keys(data).sort().map((k, idx) => {
    data[k] = values[idx]

这样一来,这些价值观和物体的名称就相应。 导致:

  value1: 1,
  value2: 2,
  value3: 3,
  value4: 4,
  value5: 5

So now you can call data.value1 to get the value1 out as you indicated in your question and get a value that has been sorted into it.

这对我来说就是一个严重的问题。 你实际上试图做些什么,因为对一个阵列进行分类,是一条角外的搜索,而不是对这个地点的适当问题。

You can sort your variables by putting them into an array an then using .sort() which sorts numbers by value.

let value1 = 4;
let value2 = 3;
let value3 = 5;
let value4 = 1;
let value5 = 2;
//Changed var to let (Better practice)

//Declaring an array. (Separate from value# vairable)
let values = [value1, value2, value3, value4, value5];

//Sorting right away so nothing is modified in future code.
values = values.sort();

//Logging results
console.log("Sorted values: " + values);


Edit:在阵列上,我为自己的价值确定了价值,但进行了分类。 将来的代码不修改原始变量。



var value1 = 4;
var value2 = 3;
var value3 = 5;
var value4 = 1;
var value5 = 2;

[value1, value2, value3, value4, value5] = [value1, value2, value3, value4, value5].sort();

console.log(value1, value2, value3, value4, value5);

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