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原标题:Woocommerce show shipping methods in checkout page?

页: 1

WooCommerce -> Cons ->

You will see list of all shipping methods like this enter image description here

启动并配置所有航运方法, 对于某些航运方法,你的产品必须具有“货物、货物、货物、货物、货物”等层面。 为了计算运费。

希望 它将帮助你们!

i 最后,我还在“选择选择页面和为我工作”上尝试了一些新场合。

  • Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page > disable
  • Hide shipping costs until an address is entered > disable
  • most important, make sure u test ur cart/ checkout page on different computer (guest)

你们首先必须建立航运区,并在这些区域之外增加运输方法。 现在,一旦你进入检查网页,WooCommerce就在所有地区搜查该地址,如果相应显示分配给该区的所有航运。



  1. "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page" and
  2. "Hide shipping costs until an address is entered"

The plugin
"Shipping Method Display Style for WooCommerce" by "Thedotstore" may be handy.

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