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指挥官JS - 失踪的财富/选择
原标题:CommanderJS - Prompt for missing args/options




看来,在老进程 h后,教 par继续。

For example my-cli subcommand --foo bar will work fine. my-cli subcommand will prompt for foo and push it to process.argv inside the hook but then exit with the error above.

Any ideas? I tried to suppress this error with exitOverride and re-calling parse afterwards, but my callback is not being reached. Surrounding in try-catch doesn t work either.

Here s my code:

        .name( cli )
        .description( foo )
        .version(version,  -v, --version )
        .hook( preSubcommand , async (program, subcommand) => {
            await promptForMissingArgs(program, subcommand);
            console.log( here );
            program.parse(process.argv); // called again with correct process.argv but still exits
        .exitOverride((exitCode) => {
            console.log(`Exiting with code ${exitCode.exitCode}`); // not reached
            //  if (exitCode.exitCode !== 0) {
            //     program.parse(process.argv);
            //  }
    // parse command line arguments and execute command
    try {
    } catch (error) {
        console.log( here ); // doesn t reach here

From the docs I see this: if the first arg is a subcommand call preSubcommand hooks pass remaining arguments to subcommand, and process same way https://github.com/tj/commander.js/blob/HEAD/docs/parsing-and-hooks.md

这是否是因为我的 h是同yn?


我不是试图改变程序。 我无法找到改变论点价值的办法,因此我可以选择。

@shadowspawn 回答也有效,但我有多个次子,因此我选择在共享的<条码>前分门和<条码>上继续发言。 h ook而不是preAction。 这也让我保留强制性的备选办法,因为它们在目前阶段尚未在平息寿命周期中加以检查。

import { Command } from  commander ;

const program = new Command();
const subcommand= new Command();

(async () => {
  .option( -p, --port <number> )
  .action(async (options) => {

  .hook( preSubcommand , async (thisCommand, sub) => {
    await promptForMissingArgs(thisCommand, sub);

await program.parseAsync();


async function promptForMissingArgs(command, subcommand) {
  const answers = await inquirer.prompt(getMissingFromArgv(subcommand.opts()));
  Object.keys(answers).forEach(ans => subcommand.setOptionValue(ans, answers[ans]));

function getMissingFromArgv(opts) {
  // compare process.argv against mandatory opts() to see what is missing
  // return list of prompts for inquirer

指挥官不支持 par平时的争辩。 此外,在检查强制性选择之前,还很难在最后一刻进行处理。

What you can easily do is prompt for missing options without marking them as mandatory as such. A simple place to prompt is at the start of the action handler, but a hook may allow code reuse or separate your logic better. Here is an example with a hook in the spirit of your code.

import { Command } from  commander ;

const program = new Command();

  .option( -p, --port <number> )
  .hook( preAction , async (thisCommand) => {
    const options = thisCommand.opts();
    // Simulate prompting for and setting missing options.
    if (!options.port) {
      console.log( You forgot to specify a port number. );
      thisCommand.setOptionValue( port ,  3000 );
  .action(async (options) => {

% node index.mjs -p 80
{ port:  80  }
% node index.mjs      
You forgot to specify a port number.


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