English 中文(简体)
印有 Java印的军机号
原标题:Verify is Armstrong number with Javascript
  • 时间:2017-08-31 16:48:45
  •  标签:
  • javascript


谁能告诉我我我我我失踪了吗? 是否有其他办法这样做?

Thank you!

let e, x, d = 0;
let b = prompt("Enter a number");

while (x > 0) {
  e = x % 10;
  x = parseInt(x/10);
  d = d + (e*e*e);

if (b==d)
   alert("given number is an armstrong number");
   alert("given number is not an armstrong number");

我认为,你计算结果的方式是错误的。 据Wikipedia称,军机号(也称职号)拥有以下财产:



var number = prompt("Enter a number");
var numberOfDigits = number.length;
var sum = 0;

for (i = 0; i < numberOfDigits; i++) {
  sum += Math.pow(number.charAt(i), numberOfDigits);
if (sum == number) {
  alert("The entered number is an Armstrong number.");
} else {
  alert("The entered number is not an Armstrong number.");


const armstrongNumber = (num) => {

    const toArray = num.toString().split(  ).map(Number);

    const newNum = toArray.map(a => {return a**3}).reduce((a, b) => a + b);

    if(newNum == num){
        console.log( This is an armstrong number );
        console.log( This is not an armstrong number );

//This is an armstrong number

这里的解决办法是,在不使用Math Object的情况下检查军校人数。

function armstrongNum(number) {
    const   numberArr = String(number).split(  );
    const power = numberArr.length;
    let TotalSum = numberArr.reduce((acc, cur) => {
      return acc + (function(cur,power){
        let curNum = Number(cur);
        let product = 1;
        while(power > 0) {
          product *= curNum;
          power --;
        return product;
    }, 0)
    if (TotalSum === number) {
      return true
    return false

Here is an example of functional code for Armstrong Numbers.

        function execute() {
            var num1 = document.getElementById("Number1").value;
            var num2 = document.getElementById("Number2").value;
            var num3 = document.getElementById("Number3").value;
            var concatNum = num1 + num2 + num3;

            var num1Sqrt = num1 * num1 * num1;
            var num2Sqrt = num2 * num2 * num2;
            var num3Sqrt = num3 * num3 * num3;

            if (num1Sqrt + num2Sqrt + num3Sqrt == concatNum) {
                Answer.value = "The three integers you entered are Armstrong numbers.";
            if (num1Sqrt + num2Sqrt + num3Sqrt != concatNum) {
                Answer.value = "The three integers you entered are not Armstrong numbers.";


然后,你确定三个分类账,并将每个数值确定为变量。 如果三个平方位的数值加上你精心策划的扼杀,那么你就有了平等的基本检查,那么你就拥有一个军机。


function armstrong(num) {

  var digits = num.toString().split(  )
  var realDigits = num
  var a = 0

  for (let i = 0; i < digits.length; i++){
    digits[i] = Math.pow(digits[i], digits.length)
    a += digits[i]

  if (a == realDigits) {
    console.log("Number is armstrong")
  } else if (a != realDigits) {
    console.log("Number is not armstrong")


//feel free to pass any value here

You can copy/paste and run this code at https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/

I hope this helps someone.


function isArmstrong (n) {
    const res = parseInt(n, 10) === String(n)
        .split(  )
        .reduce((sum, n) => parseInt(sum, 10) + n ** 3, 0);
    console.log(n,  is , res,  Armstrong number )
    return res



let c = 153
let sum = 0;

let d = c.toString().split(  );


for(let i = 0; i<d.length; i++) {
   sum = sum + Math.pow(d[i], 3)
if(sum == c) {
else {
    console.log("not a armstrong")

3. 找到航天员的正确途径

var e, x, d = 0, size;
var b = prompt("Enter a number");
size = x.toString().length;
while (x > 0) {
  e = x % 10;
  d = d + Math.pow(e,size);
  x = parseInt(x/10);

//This is I solved without function
let num = prompt();
let num1 = num;
let sum = 0;
while(num > 0){
    rem = num % 10;
    sum = sum + Math.pow(rem, num1.length);
    num = parseInt (num /10); 
if (sum == num1) console.log("Armstrong");
else console.log("not Armstrong");



let inputvalue=371
let spiltValue=inputvalue.toString().split(  )
let output=0
alert(`${inputvalue} ${inputvalue==output? "is armstrong number" : "is not armstrong number"}`);

In order to get a Narcissistic/Armstrong number, you need to take the length of the number as n for taking the power for summing the value.

Here s another solution that works with an input >= 3 digits (With Math.pow() each character is added as a number to the power of the array size)

const isArmstrongNumber = (n) => {
  //converting to an array of digits and getting the array length
  const arr = [...`${n}`].map(Number);
  let power = arr.length;

  const newNum = arr
    .map((a) => {
      return Math.pow(parseInt(a), power);
    .reduce((a, b) => a + b);

  return newNum == n;

console.log("Is it Armstrong? " + isArmstrongNumber(370));
console.log("Is it Armstrong? " + isArmstrongNumber(123));
console.log("Is it Armstrong? " + isArmstrongNumber(1634));


let armstrongNumber =  153 ;
armstrongNumber = isNaN(armstrongNumber) ? armstrongNumber : armstrongNumber.toString();
let sumationValue = 0;
let result = (function () {
  for (var digit of armstrongNumber) {
    sumationValue += parseInt(digit) ** armstrongNumber.length;
  return sumationValue;

if (result == armstrongNumber) {
  console.log(armstrongNumber +   is an Armstrong Number );
} else {
  console.log(armstrongNumber +   is not an Armstrong Number );

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