My goal is to use Java libraries to paint on an X11 window. The problem is I want to do this on a window that already exists and that I know the window ID of it. I ve done this with C and Rust, but would like to use Java now.
I can find in AWT where it creates a window and gets a window ID:
How should I go about changing this behavior? I ve tried making classes to extend the relevant AWT classes, but run into problems with my code not being in the right package. [1]
我尝试了思考,但与XFramePeer的物体 st,并且能够进入其超级阶级的任何田地/方法。 页: 1
是的,我的理解是,这可能是一种 f。
Code samples: 1: In Java - 2: In Clojure -