English 中文(简体)
原标题:Spring: Use different service depending on if the method is triggered from a schedule or not

1。 我有“春布申请”和“界面”,实施一些缺省方法,并界定一种方法<代码>getGraphClient(:

interface GraphService {
    fun getGraphClient(): GraphServiceClient<Request>

    fun getAllUsers(): List<User> {
        // 。。。 using getGraphClient()

    // 。。。


class GraphUserService() {

    override fun getGraphClient(): GraphServiceClient<Request> {
        // build graph client for user requests


class GraphApplicationService() {

    override fun getGraphClient(): GraphServiceClient<Request> {
        // build graph client for application requests



class ScheduleService(
    private val adminService: AdminService
) {

    @Scheduled(cron = "@monthly")
    fun executeMonthlySchedule() {


Additionally, the method refreshUsers() can be triggered proactive by an user。

My aim: refreshUsers() should use the getAllUsers() method from the GraphUserService if its triggered by an user and the getAllUsers() method from the GraphApplicationService if its triggered by the automatic schedule。

How can I reach this? I thought of conditional beans but didn t come to a result until now。

Thanks in advance。


There are two important issues to solve. The language I used is Java, but I don t think Kotlin will be any different.

  • 采用同一接口的豆类动态依赖注射

    • This problem can be solved by using dynamic dependency injection using Map.
  • www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 如何区分用户要求和时间表?

    • A simple way that comes to mind is to plant a Flag in the user request, but @Scheduled annotated methods cannot have parameters.
  • 然后?

    • Wouldn’t it be possible to distinguish it by importing the path metadata that called the method?
    • If it is a request from the user, we will usually call a submethod in the Controller class.
    • For scheduling, no method is called in the Controller.
  • 我的解决办法是使用斯特克特雷斯。

  • 核查方法

    • Implemented a method to distinguish between methods of beans that implement the same interface.
    • In some cases, dependency injection will be done dynamically, so if a different output appears, verification is successful.
    public class ScheduleService {
        private final AdminService adminService;
        @Scheduled(cron = "0/1 * * * * ?")
        public void executeMonthlySchedule() {
    public class GraphUserService implements GraphService {
        public void getAllUsers() {
    public class GraphApplicationService implements GraphService {
        public void getAllUsers() {
    public class AdminService {
        private final Map<String, GraphService> graphServiceMap;
        public void refreshUsers() {
            StackTraceElement[] ste = new Throwable().getStackTrace();
            String methodCallClassName = ste[2].getClassName();
            log.info("methodCallClassName={}", methodCallClassName);
            //if method call class name contain upper class name -> DI graphUserService
            GraphService graphService;
            if (methodCallClassName.contains("Controller")) {
                graphService = graphServiceMap.get("graphUserService");
            } else {
                graphService = graphServiceMap.get("graphApplicationService");
  • 通过使用地图解决了依赖物的动态注入问题。

    • There is also a way to use annotations, but I prefer this method because it is quite intuitive.
  • 检查StackTraceElement的内容。

    • I was able to check the path of the parent class that was the caller in ste[2].
    • Depending on the coding, the index of this part may be at 0 or 1.
    • There is a risk in using magic numbers, but the problem can be solved.
  • 检查了AdminController的道路,以核实它用的是图表。 在这种情况下,用户服务。

  • @Sbed电话也按预期运作。


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