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页: 1 X 简单地说不可行
原标题:Sentry in Spring 1.X simply does not work

We have a spring 1.5.17 app and are trying to simply integrate Sentry. Because this is an older version of Spring (no, upgrading isn t a possibility), we re following Sentry s Legacy SDK 1.7 directions here. It s quite straightforward.


页: 1 我们使用其他春天图书馆,如伐木/开工/jpa,但并未表现出清晰度。 所有相同的春季版本。



Additionally, added sentry.properties file under src/main/resources.




public class SentryConfig {

    public HandlerExceptionResolver sentryExceptionResolver() {
        return new io.sentry.spring.SentryExceptionResolver();

    public ServletContextInitializer sentryServletContextInitializer() {
        return new io.sentry.spring.SentryServletContextInitializer();

Via breakpoints, I ve confirmed that these beans are initializing and they are getting the properties from sentry.properties correctly. A related thread, I found that if I manually make SentryClient.captureEvent(event) calls, then events show up in sentry. This means that the sentry client is setup correctly and working, but spring isn t actually ever calling .captureEvent().

为了证实我的怀疑,我进入了SenterExceptionResolver bean,并确认该法典从未打过这一突破点。


I ve试图通过在@RestController上投掷 du错误而触发点。

public Object throwError(){
  throw new RuntimeException("ERROR THROWN");

While this error is certainly thrown in the console logs, it does NOT trigger the .capture() codepath.


, 相关<提到了一些带有伐木模块的内容,但我不理解这种关联。

不管怎样,我尝试增加各种伐木附属物(例如:www.logback assection in this senter doc)。 我的组合可能没有什么东西!



请注意,当我添加<条码> 填入-logback 依附时,该装货箱就装了。



看来,你正在使用日本宇宙航空研究开发机构,而不是春天航天中心。 没有任何日本宇宙航空研究开发公司-RS——在盒子外进行重返大气层。

为向Senter提出例外,您也可使用<代码> 入门-logback集成。 您可以将伐木错误移至Senter。 也没有春天融合的缺点是,错误与吉大港山区倡议要求提供的背景信息没有关系。



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