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原标题:Is a static object the same object in multiple running applications?

If you have a windows service and a windows forms application that uses the same static object, is it the same object in both applications? In other words if I update the object in the service will it also be updated in the forms application as well if both are running at the same time?


They run on different processes so they don t share the static object.

并非与你的问题有关,而是在同一个应用上制造的透镜是一个不同的故事。 除非标有http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.threadstaticattribute.aspx” rel=“noreferer”>ThreadStatic





http://www.ohchr.org。 每一次<代码>ClassLoader的静态物体都有一例。 我在<代码>C#上对等功能进行了核对。 I found . Thiss question on SO, 表明在中确实存在类似于多个舱载重机的情况。 C# (I guess actual in CLR),尽管我没有发现任何具体提到静态的多个事例,但我确信情况是这样。

Simply put no,
static is static per AppDomain (and you could have multiple domains per process), so not even for one process is safe to assume that your static variables will be shared (normally is true unless you create new domains by hand, e.g. see What is AppDomain?) - e.g. web apps typically break the static singletons etc.
In other words you need to use some sort of persistence to be able to share your data in between different applications. Or use remoting, WCF to communicate over application (domain) boundaries.

我认为,每一项申请都是在自己的过程中进行的。 我确实怀疑,更新视窗服务的固定物体对作为视窗申请的固定物体具有任何影响。

视窗服务在<代码> 系统账户下,作为视窗申请表在<代码>User账户下运行。

As others have pointed out in the comments, the processes run in different memory. Each process has its own address space.



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