English 中文(简体)
原标题:remove CoffeeScript anonymous function calls
buildIMG = (src, resize) ->
  html  =  <div class="left"><div class="foods_image"> 
  html +=  <a onclick="popitup("http://somewhere.com/test" href="javascript:void(0)"> 
  html +=     <img src=" +src+ "  +resize+  />   
  html +=  </a> 
  html +=  </div></div> 

popitup = (url) ->
  newwindow=window.open(url, name , height=640,width=640 )
  newwindow.focus() if window.focus

目前,我有一个书记册,将javascript代码(以上)插入网站。 我写了上述咖啡版,产生了以下结果:

(function() {
  var buildIMG, popitup;

  buildIMG = function(src, resize) {
    var html, nbsp;
    html =  <div class="left"><div class="foods_image"> ;
    html +=  <a onclick="popitup( http://somewhere.com/test );" href="javascript:void(0)"> ;
    html +=     <img src="  + src +  "   + resize +   /> ;
    html +=  </a> ;
    html +=  </div></div> ;
    return html;
  popitup = function(url) {
    var newwindow;
    newwindow = window.open(url,  name ,  height=640,width=640 );
    return newwindow.focus()(window.focus ? false : void 0);

I snipped the functions that uses buildIMG. That function creates an overlay over the site and displays all images in that overlay. buildIMG is called for each image to create the html.

问题在于<代码>onclick=“popitup(”http://some where.com/test"t t work。 它没有定义。

A solution I did was to remove this which was generated by CoffeeScript:

(function() {


一旦我撤走,就立即确定。 我怎么说,咖啡没有在我的 generated子里把这些话写进来?


CoffeeScript allows to compile JavaScript without this safety wrapper by --bare option.


Although suppressed within this documentation for clarity, all CoffeeScript output is wrapped in an anonymous function: (function(){ ... })(); This safety wrapper, combined with the automatic generation of the var keyword, make it exceedingly difficult to pollute the global namespace by accident.

It s from CoffeScript site. If you want to create a global method or variable you need to

root = this
localProperty = "111"
root.property = localProperty


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