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原标题:What are the benefits/limitations of MacRuby and has anyone used it to program for iPhone?
  • 时间:2009-08-23 17:42:13
  •  标签:

我经常提到MacRuby,并想知道你是否利用过Mai/Objective C方案。

MacRuby网站说,“MacRuby的目标是能够创建全面的、不牺牲业绩的MacOS X应用系统,以享受使用的好处。




我不使用MacRuby,但我怀疑是否可以将其用于Peit开发,因为它是建立在MacOS X目标C运行时间之上的,并且使用目标C2.0 garbage采集器(而不是使用自己)。 虽然PiOS拥有目标C 2.0,但它缺乏垃圾收集器(仍然需要使用<条码>retain/release管理记忆),因此我期望MacRuby不会在盒子中工作。


Rubyi港口可能使用监狱经纪人电话,但该装置的RAM和CPU资源十分有限,因此我无法确定这一港口将如何成功。 我期望国际投资倡议太慢,记忆犹豫不决,对Pib有用,但替代的Ruby口译员之一可能很好地工作——也许有自己的GC。

我当然可以看到Mac Ruby在MacOS X发展方面具有许多优势。 这里有些东西是我头顶上的:

  1. As a language, Ruby it is a joy to use. Blocks are lovely. It s very dynamic and has great support for meta-programming, making it possible to quickly produce very compact but still readable code.
  2. Objective-C can be quite high-level when it s being Objective, but can get annoyingly low-level when it s being C. Ruby has less of the C-ness.
  3. IMHO, Objective-C has some really weird syntax. You get used to it after a while, but it scares newbies. Ruby has a much more mainstream syntax, especially if you use foo.bar( baz ) instead of foo.bar baz .
  4. Objective-C uses header files. I get annoyed cutting n pasting method prototypes between .h and .m files. Ruby has none of that.

MacRuby确实是冷静的,但它仍然无法生产(即使是在SOS X),而且由于以下几个原因,它不会在Pi:

  1. It uses the Objective C garbage collector, which is not available on the iPhone
  2. It depends on bridge support, which is not available on iPhone
  3. It depends on the LLVM backend, which is awesome, but is not yet production quality for ARM
  4. JITs don t work on the iPhone because of its security model (calls to mprotect() fail in most cases).

我预计这些问题将随着时间的推移得到解决,在今后某个时候,像MacRuby这样的事情将在Piter上找到,但可能至少要几年的时间。 如果你想为现在或可预见的未来发展,MacRuby不是一个现实的选择。

鲁比是一种不太令人厌恶的合成物,比nes的方括号的吨数和更大的活力更容易阅读和分类。 倒数一般是执行速度,但鲁比用户往往vit忙地过度使用其更模糊的代相片,从而将甚至简单的项目变成由mon子组成的间谍。

否则,你就永远不会把它放在桌面上。 Apple果决定取消目前实行的无后地加工限制,这样,如果你们都重新感兴趣,不会 both。
