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Undo / Reset LetSetForegroundWindow(电话)
原标题:Undo / Reset AllowSetForegroundWindow() calls
  • 时间:2012-04-04 14:50:34
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • winapi

是否有办法发出<代码>的电话。 允许SetForegroundWindow(ASFW_ANY)?


  • I want a single process of my exe running at a time.
  • To achieve it, the processes communicates with each other using named pipes & if a process already exists, its window has to be brought into front.
  • To be able to do this, the latest process must set AllowSetForegroundWindow() with the existing process id.
    • I do not want to fetch the process id (sorry for my laziness), so what I m planning to do is: 1. call AllowSetForegroundWindow() with ASFW_ANY 2. Just in case some error occurred, undo the call to AllowSetForegroundWindow() so that others cannot steal focus from my process.





根据号文件,目标过程(通常包括“任何”)将失去在你打电话<代码>后从你那里偷走重点的能力。 允许SetForegroundWindow。

In other words, it sounds like you can have only one such permission active at a time.

因此,你应该能够取消许可,要求获得一些不存在的身份证,或或许是你自己的程序。 然而,这是理论。



如果我理解你的主要要求,只有一次提出申请。 如果你所描述的一切只是符合这一要求的,而不是一些更伟大的计划的一部分,那么实现这一要求的途径就更加简单。

You can create a global named mutex when your application starts. All other instances will see this mutex as set, and simply quit immediately. Here s the quick and dirty of it:

// Multiple instances detection
HANDLE my_mutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, "Global\MyCuteFluffyMutex" );

int create_mutex_error = ::GetLastError();
bool already_running =
          ( my_mutex && ( create_mutex_error == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ))
       || ( create_mutex_error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );

if ( !already_running ) {
  // Run my application



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