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原标题:Basic jQuery contact form issue

I muck written j Query accreditation for a Liaison form. 我写了一部简单的法典,将检查输入表是否含有任何特性;如果具有任何特性,它可能继续管理购买力平价代码,并寄给我电子邮件。 否则,就会发现一个错误的盒子,告诉客户要进行双重检查。 该守则是:

       $( .required ,$form).each(function(){
         var inputVal = $( form-element-name ).val();
         var inputVal2 = $( form-element-email ).val();

                if(inputVal ==   ){
                    $( errorbox1 ).addClass( errormsg1 );

                else if(inputVal2 ==   ) {
                    $( errorbox2 ).addclass( errormsg2 );

Inputval is the inputfield for the name and inputval2 is the inputfield for the e-mail. Furthermore, Errorbox1 is a container that is empty and the errormsg1 would be the class that would give the errorbox1 a background-image saying error.

rel=“nofollow> 这里是个支部。


$( errorbox1 ) and $( errorbox2 )


$(error Box1 ) and $(error Box2 )


$(#error Box1 ) and $(#error Box2







Or - a dot to select by class instead.

您需要将您的代码放在提交时的表格中,return false;或使用e.preventDefault();,以取消提交表格。

$( #your-form-id ).submit(function() {
    // if error then cancel form submission

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