English 中文(简体)
原标题:Autokill select MySQL queries perl script



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;
use strict;

$| = 1;

# !!! Configure check time and timeout. These are both in seconds.

my $check =      15;    # check processes every $check seconds
my $slow_time =  60;    # stop processes that run for >= $slow_time seconds

# !!! Configure log file - All slow queries also get logged to this file

my $logfile =    "./check_mysql_query.log"; # log slow queries to this file

# !!! Configure the database connection parameters

my $db_string = "dbi:mysql:mysql";  # DBI resource to connect to
my $db_user =   "root";     # DBI username to connect as
my $db_pass =   "password";     # DBI password to connect with

# !!! Configure path to sendmail program

my $sendmail_bin = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";


my ($dbh,$sth,$sth2,$thread,$state,$time,$query,$explain);

print "connecting
my $opt = {
     RaiseError =>0,
     PrintError =>0
$dbh = DBI->connect($db_string,$db_user,$db_pass,$opt);
unless ($dbh) {
    print "Error: Unable to connect to database: $DBI::errstr
    exit 1;

$SIG{ TERM } = sub {
    print "caught sig TERM!
    exit 1;

print "preparing
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare("show full processlist")) {
    print "error preparing query: $DBI::errstr
    exit 1;

print "initialized.. starting loop
while(1) {
    unless ($sth->execute) {
        print "statement execute failed: ".$sth->errstr."
    while(my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow) {
        $thread = $tmp[0];
        $state = $tmp[4];
        $time = $tmp[5];
        $query = $tmp[7];
        if ($state eq "Query" && $query =~ /^SELECT/ && $time >= $slow_time) {
            print "killing slow query thread=$thread state=$state time=$time
            $dbh->do("kill $thread");
            unless (log_query($logfile,$query)) {
                print "log_query failed! exiting!



exit 1;

sub log_query {
    my ($file,$query) = @_;
    unless (open(O,">>".$file)) {
        print "error opening log file  $file : $!
        return undef;
    print O $query."
    return 1;

script credit: http://code.google.com/p/mysql-killquery/ i removed most of the script code for simplicity.


我认为,我从我的阅读中了解到,你的第二栏是用户。 因此,作为用户根基将原木输入数据库,因此,你可能这样做:

while(my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow) {
    next if $tmp[1] eq  root ;


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