English 中文(简体)
Node.js with Handlebars.js on服务器和客户
原标题:Node.js with Handlebars.js on server and client


Expressjs uses layouts and then renders views. The layout (layout.hbs) looks like this:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

<代码>{{{>>>>>>在节日内替换服务器边。 j 当你走一条路时。 例如:

app.get( / , function(req, res){
   res.render( index })


现在,在客户一米处,使用背风.,希望使用手bar,供通过后台控制的观点使用。 问题在于,由于这些网页已经通过Handlebars提供,当我试图在其内部使用废物(或在废物内使用废物)时,它就没有工作。 没有任何错误,只是用数据取代标签。


Thank you!


Yup, 它是一个 stick问题——比如,在身为老鼠的手稿中引出的问题。

My solution is to use jade (a la haml) in expressjs (server-side) to output handlebars based templates for the client. This way, the server uses one syntax (jade), and the client uses another (handlebars). I am at the same crossroads as you, so I have the same challenge.

Of course, jade is not essential (though it s ready-made for expressjs). You could choose any (non-handlebars) template engine for the server, and/or you could use handlebars on the server with your non-handlebars templating on the client --- as long as the two syntaxes of your chosen templating engines do not collide. Since I m using emberjs on the client and it uses handlebars syntax (by default), I prefer using emberjs + handlebars syntax on the client. So expressjs + jade became a natural fit for the server.


你们应使用事先编造的客户模板。 它们的执行速度加快,使你能够在服务器和客户中使用同样的模板语言。

  1. Install handlebars globally npm install handlebars -g
  2. Precompile your templates handlebars client-template1.handlebars -f templates.js
  3. Include templates.js <script src="templates.js"></script>
  4. Execute the template var html = Handlebars.templates["client-template1"](context);


这样做的简单办法是在“手法”档案中在<代码>{<<>>>/代码>之前附上<>代码>。 例如:

<script type="text/x-template" id="todo-item-template">
<div class="todo-view">
    <input type="checkbox" class="todo-checkbox" {{checked}}>
    <span class="todo-content" tabindex="0">{{text}}</span>

<div class="todo-edit">
    <input type="text" class="todo-input" value="{{text}}">

<a href="#" class="todo-remove" title="Remove this task">
    <span class="todo-remove-icon"></span>

上述法典将提供给客户,并保存在{>>> 标签上。

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 不能自食其力!



我在几个小时的时间里,根据在编织物的指挥线编篡人操作路障。 它不是世界上最伟大的法典,而是很好地为我做了工作。

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc EDIT: 我不再坚持这一一揽子计划。 如果你要接下去,请通过Github与我联系。 我现在主要使用Jade模板,因此我继续担任维护者是毫无意义的。




readTemplates(function(err, clientTemplates) {
  res.render("page", {
    clientTemplates: clientTemplates;   

And then in layout.hbs:

{{#each clientTemplates}}
<script type="text/handlebars id="{{this.filename}}" >

在此,我用没有延期的档案名称作为模板,以便从后台观点中参考。 Oh,并记住采用生产方式。

Yeah, this sucks.


I didn t like the precompilation solution (because I want to define templates in the same file where I will use them) nor the naive {{ escape solution (because it needs the full Handlebars compiler and more javascript code) so I came up with an hybrid solution that uses Handlebars helpers:

(1) 在服务器组合中登记一个称为“模版”的新助手

var hbs = require( hbs );
hbs.registerHelper("template", function(key, options){
    var source = options.fn().replace("\{{", "{{");
    var ret =
        key +   = function(opt){
             return Handlebars.template(  + hbs.handlebars.precompile(source) +  )(opt);
     </script> ;
    return ret;

2) Use it anywhere in your client-side webpage (with {{ escape for client-side parameters)

{{#template "myTemplate"}}
        <p>Hello {{this.name}}!</p>

(the server will precompile it in something like this)

    myTemplate = function(opt){
        return Handlebars.template(/* HBS PRECOMPILATED FUNCTION */)(opt);

3) Simply call the function where you need it in client-side javascript

var generatedHtml = myTemplate("world");   // = <div><p>Hello world!</p></div>
$("#myDiv").html(generatedHtml);           // or whatever

You have 2 options. The second is THE best way to go:

1) Escape the mustaches

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-hbs="example">

2) Precompile

This will compile the template on the server before it goes to the client. This will make the template ready to use and reduces the burden on the browser.

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