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原标题:change css style based on xmlhttp.responseText

Ok here is my problem. I am trying to change the css style of a text field based on the responseText of an xmlhttpRequest using jQuery. If the company name is already taken the php file will echo "Company Name Already Taken." and I want the comp_stat box background to turn red. If the company name is unique the php file will echo "Company Name Ok" and I want the comp_stat box background to turn green.


xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200){
        document.getElementById("comp_stat").value = xmlhttp.responseText;

        /*Not working part*/
        if(xmlhttp.responseText ==  Company Name Already Taken. ){
            document.getElementById("comp_stat").style.backgroundColor = "red";
        if(xmlhttp.responseText ==  Company Name OK! ){
            document.getElementById("comp_stat").style.backgroundColor = "green";

我的头盔已满数小时,这或许是一个简单的固定点。 任何帮助都将受到高度赞赏。



However, maybe it is somewhere else in your code have error. I suggest you to use web inspectors or debuggers to debug. I really like Chrome s Developer Tools (it is really Apple s) it is really easy to use. It will show errors if there is any and you can also see the line number. enter image description here

它将显示错误之处。 非常有用。

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