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Java Regex to see if a String includes %, %d, %n
原标题:Java Regex to see if a String contains %s, %d, %n

<<><><>>>> 我写一下我自己对<代码>至String()方法的改动,基本上,当你把你通过的方法称作“扼杀”,然后是“条码”(目标......动力)

this.toString("%8s", this.log, "%n%s %s", this.theMap, "%s", this.countIterator());


if(args[i].getClass().getName() == "java.lang.String") {
  if(args[i].toString().contains("%\-?[1-9]s?*")) {

    format = args[i].toString();

  } else {

    s += args[i].toString();


The args[i].toString().contains("%\-?[1-9]s?*") regex isn t working, however when I use args[i].toString().matches("%\-?[1-9]s?*") it works but only for instances of a String with %s or %9s not for instances with %s %9s or %s%s %s. And it also works when I swap the s in the regex with a d or n.


I also tried copying and pasting the java.util.Formatter class
"%(\d+\$)?([-#+ 0,(\<]*)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?([tT])?([a-zA-Z%])" regex but it did the same as above and only worked for %s or %9s.

我还在格式班中注意到,开发商利用了“彩虹”类的事例,并使用了“缝.”类,通过“缝.”进行操作,对模式的每一种情况进行对比,并储存到“阿雷拉”号。 我并不真的希望这样做,我只想看到,Sting论点有一个例子:%n%s%d,并从中将其储存在后面与String.format(format, debate);

So if anyone could help me that would be awesome!
Thank you for reading this far.



Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(%[0-9]*(s|d|n))");
System.out.println("match: " + p.matcher(str).find());




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