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原标题:Task Parallel Library thread abort / interrupt

Consider a large scale application that uses a table in a sql server database to schedule jobs Each row in the table is tagged with a queueID, a methodName and other meta data. The methodName may be a native dot net interface, a legacy com local interface, a 3rd party com interface or URI to a 3rd party web service.

Currently there is a family of 32bit background exe s that process each queueID. There is a set max time limit on how long each job can run set by the queueID, a watchdog will kill the process if the time limit is exceeded.

We want to move this to a 64 bit environment & consolidate the multiple background exe process into a single multi-threaded windows service.

The issue is how do we handle the kill of a job that exceeds the set time limit. If we assign a task for each queueID from a Task Parallel Library from a single appDomain primary thread Clearly net4.0 cancellation tokens cant be used since the thread may run a com interface or a 3rd party web service. If the appDomain watchdog task calls Thread.abort() it may corrupt the entire appDomain & tear down all task threads I am unclear if Thread.Interrupt() would reliably cancel a thread without appDomain corruption.


页: 1

Do we just have the service create an AppDomain for each queueID then do myAppDomain1.ExecuteAssembly("queueProcess.exe arg1") myAppDomain2.ExecuteAssembly("queueProcess.exe arg2") ... almost the same arch that exists now but its a win service that controls the appDomains and each queueProcess.exe & then use a the tpl thread pool do run the jobs in a set of smaller pools in each queueProcess.exe & the watch dog just does AppDomain?.Unload when a process has exceeded its time limit


你们不能说是任意的本地法典,并导致它被干净地关闭。 如果你杀死其read子(如果你开始使用制造线),你一般会泄露记忆、腐败数据,而不是释放锁,使档案能够公开处理,而且还要多。 这并非没有合作。 这一过程是解决这一问题的正确方式,因为无论何时,他们都可以被清除。

就只有管理的任务而言,你可以安全地卸下遗体(ASP)。 互联网确实如此。 不要read,因为它可能使全球结构陷入一个不一致的国家。 或者,你可能放弃一个固定的轨道,使整个类别永远无法使用(无法重新启用固定轨道)。

You could have a generic host process which takes its input over a named pipe and runs your task. Such a process can be light-weight. You can kill it at any time.

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