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HRW - NSURLConnection - Check for URL
原标题:iOS - NSURLConnection - Check for URL

I m using NSURLConnection with sendAsynchronousRequest method (and handing the data in block).
Using above method, I m downloading a video file from server and saving locally in cache folder.
This is working fine if the URL is valid. If the URL is invalid (that is the video is not available at given URL), it is still saving a file with the file name that I m giving. NSError is nil and NSData object is not nil. How can I check whether the URL is valid or catch the error if URL is not there?


栏目中,如果是http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/Sp/latests.pdf NSHTTPURLResponse 。 查阅<代码>statusCode,以发现吉卜赛人协会的错误。 它可以是404,302,等等。

此外,还检查了所交数据,将其转换为示意图,看看看是否有意思。 有时,在返回的html上有回头。



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