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原标题:Why do child elements cause dropleave to be called (drag-n-drop file upload)?

我有一张超文本5 d-n-drop文字,使用户能够将档案放到诺德罗帕提。 零散会有儿童因素,也是零散的因素。

<div id="droparea">
    <div id="showif_no_dragover">Drag files here!</div>
    <div id="showif_dragover">Drop the files!</div>


var droptarget = "#droparea";
$(droptarget).live( dragenter , dragEnter);
$(droptarget).live( dragleave , dragExit);
$(droptarget).live( dragover , nothing);
$(droptarget).live( drop , dropGo);

(Side question:?


If you look at the console, you will notice that as you drag a file within #droparea, dragenter() and dragleave() are called multiple times, even though the drag is still inside #droparea. If you remove the child elements (#child1 and #child2), the problem is gone because the child elements are gone. How can I keep the child elements and prevent them from messing up the drag events?

I have searched Stackoverflow and Google for hours without much help. I found this questions here at Stackoverflow: How to keep child elements from interfering with HTML5 dragover and drop events? I don t know why it works, though.

我尝试把2个编织物放在彼此的首位(通过国际空间站定位)。 最大的四分五分之四带有拖拉事件,而最底层的四分之四则有儿童因素。 我不喜欢这种做法,因为它不与我网页的其余部分合作,不允许与最底层的四分五裂者进行摩擦互动。


其一面是“超高射频谱”。 阅读这一长篇条款作解释......


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