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时间表 图框架,Flotr vs AmChart
原标题:Timeline Chart framework, Flotr vs AmChart

我对许多图表框架进行了比较,这两个框架是最后的争斗。 如果没有规格,则对框架进行比较毫无意义。 因此,我将提出我的规格,希望得到一些答复,这对有问题的人来说是宝贵的,他们应该选择哪一个框架。

Final Goal : Stock Chart just like Google Finance Points of interest 1. No Flash, for mobile device compatibility 2. No Charge (HighCharts is cool if you have money) 3. Annotation on Chart, for marking events 4. Zoom in/ Zoom out 5. Multiple Y-axes




1) it s SVG/VML based 2) free version is the same as commercial, only a small link to amcharts is displayed 3) Here is example with events: http://amcharts.com/stock/events/ 4) zoom-in, zoom-out is supported 5) multiple y axes are also supported: http://amcharts.com/javascript/line-chart-with-multiple-value-axes/

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