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Closed 9 years ago.
http://mitdiat.mit-text. 我尝试了一些方法,但失败。 我等待你们的帮助。
I ve Trial graphviz
and written the following Code. 我想得到菲博克斯序列的图表。
digraph G {
add [shape = box];
cons_1 [shape = box, label = "cons"];
cons_2 [shape = box, label = "cons"];
fibs [shape = point];
Efibs [shape = point];
single_0 [shape = none, label = "0"];
single_1 [shape = none, label = "1"];
subgraph cluster_0 {
add -> cons_1 -> Efibs -> cons_2 -> fibs;
single_0 -> cons_1 [style = dotted];
single_1 -> cons_2 [style = dotted];
Efibs -> add;
fibs -> add;
但是,结果却很糟。 是否有任何简单的工具(我更喜欢WYTIWYG)或辅导来提取这种图表?