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原标题:Pass some checkbox values from one JSP to another

I ve been having problems passing parameters from one .jsp to another.

I have two .jsp (1 and 2). In 1 I get some data from a database and show the user a bunch of checkboxes (depending on the data I got before). The user has to check one or more of the checkboxes, the selected will be deleted in my database in 2. (It´s something like "Select the numbers you want to delete").

I don t know how to pass the selected checkboxes and the value from 1 to 2. I tried with javascript/jQuery, trying to know if a checkbox is checked and its value, add the value to a hidden field and use the request in 2 to get it.


    HttpSession sesion = request.getSession();

    Company company = (Company) sesion.getAttribute("company");
    List<Phone> phones = company.getTelefonos();
<form id="formulario" method="POST" action="desMul_Final.jsp">
        Iterator<Phone> it1 = phones.iterator();
            Phone t = it1.next();
            String number = t.getNumero();
        <input name=check id="t_<%=number%>" type=checkbox value="<%=number%>" /> <%=number%>.
<p class="buttons">
    <button type=submit onclick="javascript: pick();">Continue</button>


function pick(){
var counter = 0;
$("#formulario fieldset p").each(function(index){
    var field;
    $(this).children("input").each(function() {
        if($this.is( :checked )){
            field = $(this).val();
    index = index + 1;

    texto = "<input type=hidden name=phone_"+index+" value="+field+" />";

    counter = index;
cant = "<input type=hidden name=amount id=amount value="+counter+" />";


    int amount = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("amount"));

    for(int i = 1; i <= amount; i++){
            String s = request.getParameter("phone_"+i);

当我试图查阅<代码>request.getPara amount(“amount”)时,我收到一份<代码>java.lang.NumberFormatException:un,因此我认为我的 Javascript/jQuery是错误的。



我最后找到了解决办法,我确实需要任何 Java字。 在APICI中搜索了请求中的一种方法,即:getParaifNames(>,returns an E数 of String Object contained in this request.

我的理解是,当你提交表格时,如果对控制进行核对,就会寄出检查箱的价值。 否则,将无所作为。 因此,由于有了这种信息和方法,我改变了检查箱的建造方式,并用计数来获取这些数值。

<input name=check id="t_<%=number%>" type=checkbox value="<%=number%>" /> <%=number%>.

<input name="<%=number%>" type=checkbox /> <%=number%>.

So in my second .jsp I get a Enumeration with the names of the selected checkboxes, which are the phone numbers.

java.util.Enumeration enu = request.getParameterNames();
java.util.List<String> numbers = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
   String s = (String)(enu.nextElement());

Are you familiar with debugging web application in a client-side way? Can you please insert console.log("$("#formulario")) and then a breakpoint after $("#formulario").append(cant);, to see how the form s content changed, and if the hidden input was added ?

使用<代码>int[] amount= Integer.ValueOf(request.getParaileValues(“amount”);,而不是request.getPara amount(“amount”);

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