English 中文(简体)
将XML输入MySQL, 能够让所有儿童参赛
原标题:Importing an XML into MySQL, Can t get all children tags

First let me begin with what we re doing here: We re pulling an XML file from 1 server and placing it into another server which is where the php code is sitting too. Then some of the XML data needs to be imported into a local MySQL db. The XML is a copy of orders for an online store. Some orders contain multiple items the person ordered, some don t if they only ordered one item.

So for the XML example we have:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <AVS />
    <BillingAddress1>122 27th West</BillingAddress1>
    <BillingAddress2>Floor 11</BillingAddress2>
    <BillingCity>New York</BillingCity>
    <BillingCompanyName />
    <BillingCountry>United States</BillingCountry>
    <BillingFaxNumber />
    <CardHoldersName />
    <CC_Last4 />
    <CreditCardAuthorizationDate>3/30/2012 11:52:00 AM</CreditCardAuthorizationDate>
    <CreditCardTransactionID />
    <CVV2_Response />
    <GiftWrapNote />
    <LastModified>3/30/2012 1:39:00 PM</LastModified>
    <Order_Comments>Test sale - Don t process
Ignore statuses on this order</Order_Comments>
    <OrderDate>3/30/2012 11:01:00 AM</OrderDate>
    <OrderNotes />
    <OrderStatus>Ready to Ship</OrderStatus>
    <PONum />
    <ShipAddress1>123 27th West</ShipAddress1>
    <ShipAddress2>Floor 1</ShipAddress2>
    <ShipCity>New York</ShipCity>
    <ShipCompanyName />
    <ShipCountry>United States</ShipCountry>
    <ShipFaxNumber />
    <Tax1_IgnoreNoTaxRules />
    <Tax1_Title>Tax (8.375%)</Tax1_Title>
    <Tax2_IgnoreNoTaxRules />
    <Tax2_Title />
    <Tax3_IgnoreNoTaxRules />
    <Tax3_Title />
      <GiftWrap />
      <GiftWrapNote />
      <IsKitID />
      <KitID />
      <OptionIDs />
      <Options />
      <ProductName>Test Product 1</ProductName>
      <ProductNote />
      <Warehouses />
      <AutoDropShip />
      <GiftWrap />
      <GiftWrapNote />
      <Options />
      <ProductName>Test Product 2</ProductName>
      <ProductNote />
    <AVS />
    <BillingAddress1>122 27th West2</BillingAddress1>
    <BillingAddress2 />
    <BillingCity>New York2</BillingCity>
    <BillingCompanyName />
    <BillingCountry>United States</BillingCountry>
    <BillingFaxNumber />
    <CardHoldersName />
    <CC_Last4 />
    <CreditCardAuthorizationDate>3/30/2012 3:33:00 PM</CreditCardAuthorizationDate>
    <CreditCardTransactionID />
    <CVV2_Response />
    <GiftWrapNote />
    <LastModified>3/30/2012 3:33:00 PM</LastModified>
    <Order_Comments>Test sale #2, don t process, ignore status.</Order_Comments>
    <OrderDate>3/30/2012 3:32:00 PM</OrderDate>
    <OrderNotes />
    <OrderStatus>Ready to Ship</OrderStatus>
    <PONum />
    <ShipAddress1>123 27th West2</ShipAddress1>
    <ShipAddress2 />
    <ShipCity>New York2</ShipCity>
    <ShipCompanyName />
    <ShipCountry>United States</ShipCountry>
    <ShipFaxNumber />
    <Tax1_IgnoreNoTaxRules />
    <Tax1_Title>Tax (8.375%)</Tax1_Title>
    <Tax2_IgnoreNoTaxRules />
    <Tax2_Title />
    <Tax3_IgnoreNoTaxRules />
    <Tax3_Title />
      <GiftWrap />
      <GiftWrapNote />
      <IsKitID />
      <KitID />
      <OptionIDs />
      <Options />
      <ProductName>Test Product</ProductName>
      <ProductNote />
      <Warehouses />


I have created four functions so far that get me very close.



function vl_readytoship_download() {
echo "Downloading Ready To Ship Orders...<br>";
$ch = curl_init("http://www.link.to/vl_rts.xml");
$fh = fopen("vl_rts.xml", "w");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fh);

The second function converts the XML to CSV so we can better read it for importing (This step may not be required or the best method, which is why I m here, however, it does work.)

function processxml() {
echo "Processing Ready To Ship Orders...<br>";
$filexml= vl_rts.xml ;
if (file_exists($filexml)) {
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($filexml);
$f = fopen( vl_rts.csv ,  w );
foreach ($xml->Orders as $Orders) {
    fputcsv($f, get_object_vars($Orders), , , " );

Now I didn t at first notice that the CSV doesn t contain the data from any <OrderDetails> tags. I only realized it when I began work in the importing to MySQL function.


function csvimport() { 
if(!file_exists("vl_rts.csv")) { echo "WARNING! CSV Not Found!<br>"; exit; }
$row = 0;
$mycsvfile = array();
if (($handle = fopen("vl_rts.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
        $num = count($data);
        for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
        $mycsvfile[] = $data; //add the row to the main array.
echo "<br>Reading Rows:<br>";
//[row][column] so [1][$csvrow] = 2nd row, first column since 0=1
$csvrow = 0;
while ($mycsvfile[$csvrow][0] != $null) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * from vtiger_purchaseorder WHERE orderid=" . $mycsvfile[$csvrow][0]) or die(mysql_error());
//if row exists
echo "Row exists, changing rows...<br>";
echo "DO SOMETHING HERE, ANYTHING BUT THIS<br>"; //This is a "todo" spot for later
else //if row doesn t exist

$currentdate = date( Y-m-d );
$orderid = $mycsvfile[$csvrow][0];
$subject = "Uploading..."; //This is set to Uploading... now, in another function we ll come back change the subject to the name of the item sold.
$quoteid = $mycsvfile[$csvrow][0];
if ($mycsvfile[$csvrow][72] == 0) {
$vendorid = "1500"; //right now, new orders go into a temp vendor of 1500, then we ll change it based on the product ordered to see which vendor it should be assigned to.
echo "Vendor is " . $vendorid . "<br>";
$shipcity = "Shipcity"; This info is in <OrderDetails> which we don t have yet.

//This other database is vtiger, which has a lot of different area where it needs to store data, so here we insert it in a way vtiger can accept it.
$query1 = "SELECT * from vtiger_crmentity";
$query2 = "INSERT INTO vtiger_crmentity (smcreatorid,smownerid,modifiedby,setype,orderid) VALUES( 1 , 1 , 1 , PurchaseOrder , " . $orderid . " )";

$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
echo mysql_error() . "<br>";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
$crmid = mysql_insert_id();

$query3 = "SELECT * from vtiger_purchaseorder";
$query4 = "INSERT INTO vtiger_purchaseorder (purchaseorderid,subject,quoteid,vendorid,duedate,orderid) VALUES(" . $crmid . ", " . $subject . " , " . $quoteid . " , " . $vendorid . " , " . $currentdate . " , " . $orderid . " )";

$query5 = "SELECT * from vtiger_poshipads";
$query6 = "INSERT INTO vtiger_poshipads (poshipaddressid,ship_city,orderid) VALUES(" . $crmid . ", " . $shipcity . " , " . $orderid . " )";

echo mysql_error() . "<br>";
$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
echo mysql_error() . "<br>";
$result4 = mysql_query($query4);
echo mysql_error() . "<br>";
$result5 = mysql_query($query5);
echo mysql_error() . "<br>";
$result6 = mysql_query($query6);
echo mysql_error() . "<br>";
echo "CRMID " . $crmid . "<br>";

echo "Order doesn t exist, inserting order number " . $orderid . " from CSV row " . $csvrow . "<br>";

echo "Import Complete.<br>";


现在迅速回头。 因此,我们走了这段话。 XML文件来自其他服务器。 我们从<代码><Orders>中提取了一切(除所有儿童外)物品,并把它列入特别安全局,现在我们已经将特别安全局的数据输入MySQL DB,以作出新的定购单。



理想的情况是,我将热衷于提取所有<代码><OrderDetails>tags,并将其插入另一个CSV文档。 我从那儿起,用上述相同方法添加。 我曾尝试过这一点,但加拿大社会安全委员会已经停止了,两行走了,我只剩下头两tag,并非全部。



你们应当直接处理XML。 你试图将数据转换成CSV档案,从而失去了数据等级。

你可以使用简单的XML来读所有数据。 它希望:

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content);
foreach ($xml->Orders as $order) {
  $order_id = $order->OrderId;
  $order_status = $order->OrderStatus;

  // Here we have a single order
  // You can insert this order into the database

  foreach ($order->OrderDetails as $order_details) {
    $order_detail_id = $order_details->OrderDetailID;
    $product_id = $order_details->ProductID;

    // Here we have a single order detail that belongs to $order_id
    // You can insert this order detail into the database


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