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原标题:Open source map
  • 时间:2012-04-09 17:14:29
  •  标签:
  • gis

anyone can suggest what program / approach I should use? I need to have a map like google map where I can display map, add marker polygon etc. But I cannot rely on such online services as client is afraid that such service die off and there goes our system...


对地理信息系统问题的答复指出了许多资源。 SE:

GIS for the web

Steps tostart Webmap

http://www.google.com/fusiontables/Home/"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>

http://postgis.refractions.net/rel=“nofollow noretinger”

Here are pure open source based web map and geo-location database resources. Google map or Bing map is wonderful, but they require business contract for commercial use. It is said that Foursquare recently switched their map tool from Google map to open source based Leaflet API which looks like the picture below. This map tools is quite great and recommendable.


良好的开端地点。 以下两个资源没有真正用于开发商,因此这些资源已经列入散页单单单单单单体字标。

Can download free ip address & city mapping file, which can be used for custom mapping code.


You can create map files into you server...and you can connect to open source databases like PostGIS

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