Hmm - looks like the basic question has already been answered. But your setup bugs me slightly...
I think I d restructure your tables a little bit (Assuming internationalization is not an issue). Among other things, I don t feel there s a fundamental difference between the concepts of Category and Gallery . Now, there may be super and sub categories/galleries, and images may belong to more than one at once (ie, from the Renniasance, by Michaelangelo, sculpture, etc). It s similar to the concept of tags.
Gallery (or Category, if you prefer)
id -- autoincrement
name -- varchar(50) or something, unique
parent -- fk reference to another row, optional
id -- autoincrement
name -- varchar(50) or similar, non-unique
path -- store as URI/URL, unique
description -- varchar(128) or similar
galleryId -- fk reference to
imageId -- fk reference to
-- the pair is unique
Related_Gallery -- optional table
galleryId -- fk reference to
relationship -- code, or fk reference to other table
relatedId -- fk reference to
-- entire row should be unique
-- somewhat tricky to use.