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如何追踪网页上的所有 j字事件(移动浏览器)?
原标题:How to trace all javascript events on page (mobile browser)?

是否有办法记录某一页上产生的所有事件? 例如,印刷活动名称就足够了。



If you re debugging Mobile Safari, run iOS >= 5.0 in the iOS Simulator and run iWebInspector. In the Timeline tab you should be able to see every event being fired by the browser after pressing the record button.


if you are using google chrome then you can connect your mobile device to your system using USB and in the google chrome try opening chrome://inspect/#devices url.

根据遥远目标,你在移动浏览器上开设的场所将列入名单。 你可以点击检查点去除现场。

In the console use Monitor Events to track all the events.

详情请上。 遥控潜伏器

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