English 中文(简体)
原标题:response wrapper service layer vs controller




import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;

public class RestResponse<T> {
  private Integer status;
  private HttpStatus httpStatus;
  private String path;
  private String message;
  private T data;




return RestResponse.builder()

return RestResponse.builder()







www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 全面答复您的询问,结合最佳做法和处理你们的关切:。

<>Key Point:

  • Wrap responses in the controller layer: Maintain a clear separation of concerns by creating RestResponse objects within controllers.
  • Service layer focuses on business logic: Services should return raw data or domain objects, leaving response formatting to the controller.
  • Consider exception handling: Customize exception responses effectively for better error reporting.


  1. http://www.ohchr.org。

    • Handle incoming requests.
    • Call appropriate service methods.
    • Create RestResponse objects based on service results and HTTP status codes.
    • Wrap RestResponse in ResponseEntity and return it.
    public class DeviceController {
        private final DeviceService deviceService;
        public ResponseEntity<RestResponse<DeviceEntity>> getDeviceByIndex(@PathVariable String index) {
            DeviceEntity device = deviceService.getDeviceByDeviceIndex(index);
            if (device == null) {
                return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
            return ResponseEntity.ok(
  2. <>服务年限:

    • Encapsulate business logic.
    • Return raw data or domain objects.
    • Throw custom exceptions for specific errors.
    public class DeviceService {
        private final DeviceMapper deviceMapper;
        public DeviceEntity getDeviceByDeviceIndex(String deviceIndex) {
            return deviceMapper.getDeviceByDeviceIndex(deviceIndex);

<>Exception Handling:

  • Define custom exception classes for specific API errors.
  • Use @ExceptionHandler in controllers to handle exceptions and construct appropriate RestResponse objects.


  • Tailor RestResponse fields to your API s needs.
  • Explore libraries like Spring HATEOAS for rich hypermedia responses.

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 通过遵循这一结构,你创造了结构良好、可适应和方便用户的、温斯布特的、符合要求的、符合要求的、符合要求的、符合用户需要的、符合环境规范的、符合环境规范的、可适应性的、适合用户需要的、符合环境规范的、符合环境规范的、可适应性的、符合环境规范的、符合环境规范的、可适应性的、可使用性的、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可再生性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可再生性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可再生性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可再生性、可再生性、可使用性、可再生性、可再生性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可再生性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可使用性、可再生性、可再生

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