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原标题:Hint text is not being removed


我制造了这一dle。 后者有投入箱,并设有排外。 当该投入箱集中时,正在妥善清除猎物。 如果用户没有输入这种投入箱,那么该投入箱的集中处理就会再次出现。

But there is an issue .let say you are focused in input-box and clicked on another tab in the browser now if you comeback to this fiddle again notice that hint-Text is being shown while it was empty while leaving this page. and also its not clearing this while clicking in and out of the input box. ?

因此,所发现的问题是,在不点击另一条刺.时,不要把变式“被篡改”定作假。 因此,在再次集中关注的同时,它并没有清理违约的 h-Text值。

So i am not getting why onBlur is not being called. If any one have clue about this, please tell or is there any other way to do this functionality ?



<input type="text" name="placeHolder" placeholder="hy i m a place holder" />

请在您的html档案中添加<!DOCTYPE html>

看像“ Chrome”对文本箱进行两次发射。 我得以解决这个问题,在重点<代码>addOption InputEle.off(blur )on(blur , on AddOptionBlur);期间,使蓝色活动成为名符其实的功能和具有约束力的混合体。 之后,在AddOptionBlur公司内,我为将所有混合处理器的病例都bin。

while(addOptionInputEle.data( events ).blur)
    addOptionInputEle.off( blur );


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