I know about zxing and I know how to use it as a jar, so I don t have to use the intent approach. But...:
- Sean Owen, the developer behind the zxing apparently doesn t really like people embedding it in their apps and would prefer them to use Intent apporach which really kills user experience in my opinion.
- I only need the encoding part. Noobishly saying: I want to have some data changed for a QR code. No need for scanning, decoding, etc.
- It nearly doubles the size of my application, but that is the least important problem.
我花了很长的时间,但z看起来是最受欢迎的解决办法,因为我没有发现其他东西。 你们是否知道其他图书馆,或者仅仅有些图书馆准备使用算法? 我不想再发明轮子......