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原标题:How do I retrieve photos from a Facebook group using the graph API?


http://graph.facebook.com/275206825900621/photos>。 我是一份空洞的清单。 我期待看到一份有照片的清单,我已上载到我的测试组。

   "data": [      

这个问题可能与安全有关,但我没有发现任何出入错误。 如果我从URL的末尾删除了霍乱,我可以接触基本公众信息,


Per the documentation at (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/group/) there is no "photos" connection on a group object. However, there is a picture connection. Maybe someday Facebook will expand their API with a photos connection for a group object.


Strange thing is that if you do /group_id/albums it does retrieve all the albums inside the group including album_id, name, url and even the count of images inside that group s album. But if you then use that album_id and call /album_id/photos then it returns the empty data array.




SELECT description, owner, photo_count, type, like_info, cover_pid, comment_info FROM album WHERE object_id =  1382173765340875 

  "data": [
      "description": "10 Desafio Outros!!!", 
      "owner": 1455136613, 
      "photo_count": 8, 
      "type": "normal", 
      "like_info": {
        "can_like": true, 
        "like_count": 1, 
        "user_likes": true
      "cover_pid": "6249764165120950711", 
      "comment_info": {
        "can_comment": true, 
        "comment_count": 0, 
        "comment_order": "chronological"



Ah! I think it s just a bug that they did not link groups to albums but whatever...

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