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原标题:How to get a value in <td> tag
<td id="hello"> OPD </td>

On my html page, this is how I am getting a td tag in a tr.


var td1 = document.getElementById("hello");

Can I get this value by performing any operation on td1.

是否有其他办法这样做。 请帮助

var td1 = (document.getElementById("hello")).innerHTML;

var td1 = ((document.getElementById("hello")).innerHTML).trim();

should work. InnerHtml


  • https://github.com/Raynos/DOM-shim”rel=“nofollow”

    var td1 = document.getElementById( hello ).textContent
  • Or you don t want to use a shim, then you have to use the following (thank IE):

    var hello = document.getElementById( hello ),
    if ( textContent  in hello) {
        td1 = hello.textContent // Standard way
    else {
        td1 = hello.innerText // IE way
  • 或你使用j Query:

    var td1 = $( #hello ).text()

然而,不使用中文本。 由于许多原因,这种情况就非常糟糕。

如果您对“j Query”的答复感兴趣的话。

var tdText = $( #hello ).text();


var tdTextTrimmed = $.trim($( #hello ).text());

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