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婚前 for不正确工作?
原标题:smarty foreach last not working correctly?


{if $subcategories} 
<div class="subcategories">
{if $subcategories|@count < 6}
{foreach from=$splitted_subcategories item="ssubcateg"}
    {if $subcategories|count >= 6}
        <div class="subcategories">
        {foreach from=$ssubcateg item=category name="ssubcateg"}
        {if $category.category_id}<li{if $smarty.foreach.ssubcateg.last} class="last"{/if}><a href="{"categories.view?category_id=`$category.category_id`"|fn_url}" class="strong">{$category.category}</a></li>{/if}

    {if $subcategories|count >= 6}
{if $subcategories|count < 6}

output: seems to be repeating? and if there are 6 results is adds one class="last" but the middle result as in 3rd result?

<li class="last"><a class="strong" href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li><a class="strong" href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li class="last"><a class="strong" href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li><a class="strong" href="#">Link</a></li>

你的最后一个项目是重复的,因为你在“内 lo”中重新检查“仇恨”。 你再次忽视了内院本身。 审判:

{foreach from=$splitted_subcategories item="ssubcateg" name="outer"}
  {foreach from=$ssubcateg item=category name="ssubcateg"}
    {if $smarty.foreach.outer.last && $smarty.foreach.ssubcateg.last}


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