我有一张基于选民的照片。 因此,一想定制SipDroid的开放源项目。 由于第一阶段改变了所有包裹的名称、类别名称等。 它完全在我的三星银河上开展工作。 但是,“声音”与其他许多流动者一起受审,并非可以想象。 电话正在启动,但无法听到声音。 在三驾.的年轻人中,声音对于即将到来和即将离任的电话来说显然是站不住脚的。 但是,在所有其他电话中,一经测试,只有听透镜。 问题是什么?
EDIT: I tried calling the other mobile(that has Sip Droid) with my Samsung Galaxy Young(customized app) I could hear voice in my app but could not hear in Sipdroid. But when i tried calling Sipdroid to Sipdroid, it works fine in all the mobiles.
Btw, There is no difference between SipDroid call and the call in my app.
EDIT: I have noticed that even the SipDroid Project is not working. Only Sipdroid app(in the market) is working.