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Dojo: dojox.grid. LazyTreeGrid + QueryReadStore - mis when paginating children
原标题:Dojo: dojox.grid.LazyTreeGrid + QueryReadStore - errors when paginating children

I m testing LazyTreeGrid implementation in Dojo. And I have this problem. When LazyTreeGrid is used with LazyTreeGridStoreModel and QueryReadStore pagination of children nodes sometimes causes errors.


生根记录似乎很细微,但在开出一只儿童首页子后,便装满了“......”。 采用湿轮推进器roll积一米。

在下列条件下测试:<0>(, Chrome(18.0.1025.152 m), IE9 (9.0.8112.16421)

我在Dojo trac开张。 在那里 你们可以找到密码例子,检查枪。



The URL sent to the server is of the form http://xxx/yyy?start=0&count=25 I think you need to respect the start and count parameters or bad things happen with pagination. It didn t look as if your test code did that.

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